Mr Mola has been deportated with violence on 20 juni
Testimony here
petition and appeal here
UPDATE 6/06: His deportation flight this morning was finally cancelled. He was first brought to the airport and then transferred to the closed centre of Vottem.
It must be noted that the let-pass of Mr Mola was not legal at all and that he had a medical certificate asserting that his state could not allow such a journey.
The Foreign Office tried to deport him anyway, but following different kinds of pressure they abandoned their project.
Thanks to all who sent faxes or emails and to those who were present at the airport!
Third deportation attempt for Mr Albert-Edy Mola on June 6th with flight SN357 to Kinshasa.
Political opponent, Mr Mola is in charge of the mobilisation of MIRGEC (Independent Movement for the Recognition of the Congolese genocide). He has been detained in a closed center for almost 4 months.
During his second deportation attempt on April 22nd, he got beated and humiliated by six police officers. Since then Mr Mola has had strong pains in his back and he needs a medical follow-up. However he was not taken to any hospital and the doctor of the centre only gave him paracetamol as a cure!
The doctor of Mr Mola came to visit him and told the management of the centre that Mr Mola needed to go to the hospital for a psychological and physical follow-up but nothing has been done.
Although they took note of the torture that Mr Mola had been through at Zaventem airport, the direction of Merksplas closed centre did not take any sanction against the six policemen.
As all the other Congolose opposing to the regime of Hippolyte Kanambe alias Joseph Kabila, Mr Mola would run heavy risks if deported to Congo.
He even says he would prefer to die than going on that plane.
Meeting at Zaventem airport on Wednesday June 6th 08:40 a.m to prevent his deportation and speak to the passengers and personnel of Brussels Airlines (flight check-in).
Thanks for him and for all the others who are unjustly imprisoned in these cenres!
If you are not able to go:
1/ Give a ring, send emails, faxes and letters of protestation to SN Airlines and ask for your message to be forwarded to the Captain of the flight.
Fax: 02 723 35 99, 02 723 84 96, 02 753 49 31
Tel: 078 188889, 02 723 23 45, 02 723 23 62
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
Your flight SN 357 to Kinshasa leaving this Wednesday 6 June at 10:40 a.m will have Mr MOLA INGELI Albert-Eddy on board in the framework of a deportation.
Imprisoned in Merksplas closed centre for almost 4 months, he has been living in Belgium for 14 years. During his last deportation attempt, he got heavily beated by the six police officers who were escorting him. Since then he got no other cure than paracetamol. As a political opponent to the regime of Kabila, he clearly indicated that he would rather die than being deported to Congo. You have the power to oppose to his departure.
Please don’t let new violent acts be perpetrated on board without interfering! Do it for the dignity of us all!
Thank you on his behalf
2/ Send this message to the Foreign Office and the cabinets concerned:
To the attention of Mr Elio Di Rupo, Premier ministre ( / Fax 022173328, 025126953)
Mrs Joëlle Milquet, Vice-Première ministre et Ministre de l’Intérieur: / / Fax: 022380129,025048500, 025048580)
Mrs Maggie De Block, Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile, à l’Immigration et à l’Intégration sociale, adjointe à la Ministre de la Justice /
Mr Freddy Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers / Fax 027939669
Monsieur le Premier Ministre
Madame la Vice-Première Ministre et Ministre de l’Intérieur et de
l’Egalité des chances,
Madame le Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile, à l’Immigration et à
l’Intégration sociale
Monsieur le Directeur de l’Office des étrangers,
Le vol numéro SN 357 de 10:40 à destination de Kinshasa ce 06 juin 2012 embarquera monsieur MOLA INGELI, Albert–Eddy.
Enfermé au Centre de Merksplas depuis presque quatre mois, il vit en Belgique depuis 14 ans. Lors de la dernière tentative d’expulsion, il a
subi de graves violences de la part des 6 policiers qui l’escortaient.
Depuis, il n’a reçu comme soins que du paracétamol. Opposant politique au régime de Kabila, il a clairement dit qu’il préférerait mourir plutôt que d’être rapatrié au Congo.
Mesdames et Messieurs les Ministres, Monsieur le Directeur de l’Office des étrangers, vous avez le pouvoir de vous opposer au départ de Monsieur Mola.
Ne laissez pas de nouvelles violences se passer sans intervenir ! Pour notre dignité à tous.
Merci pour lui