Update 11/03/2020: They stopped their action this afternoon: The direction told them they were going to take care of their problems; We’re waiting for their release?
On 8 March 2020, at a time of mobilisation for women’s rights, activists visited the women detained in the Holsbeek detention centre. Through the gates, they exchanged with those detained and made invisible by the politics of borders.
“We are about 20 women in the Holsbeek detention centre. Some of them are pregnant. Many of us are there after a marriage proposal, a marriage that the administration considers to be a white marriage. Others are separated from their children who live in Belgium. Everyone suffers here, the food is disgusting. Some of us don’t eat.We are all very stressed and can’t sleep.Some of us have been here for several months, one 7 months.Where are our RIGHTS? “We’re not criminals, we’re treated worse than criminals.”
After this visit, a group of women joined the resistance the next day and started a hunger strike. They protest against their imprisonment and the conditions of detention.
“Nobody ate today. They “want good food”, they want their freedom. For the guards they don’t care if someone dies or gets sick. They say they’re going to stop eating all week. »”They don’t want us to have contact.” “We need help, no one’s talking to us.”
No info for 16 pm, and for some of them their phones are turned off!Probably under pressure, none of them have answered our calls.
Women in battle, women in resistance, the strike will take the form of a hunger strike if we reach the bottom of humanity.
Address of the closed centre: Tel: +32 2 793 89 01.Mail: cih.onthaal@ibz.fgov.be Address of the closed centre: Tel: +32 2 793 89 01: 19 De Vunt, 3220 Holsbeek https://goo.gl/maps/pu5mjhbrp1YC1fnk7Route: From Leuven, take bus 333 (Peron 11) to “Wilsele Gemeentehuis”.
#8mars #Patriarcat #StopCentreFermé #LibertéPourToutes #Noborder