127 Bis Closed Centre : « You must leave » 14/08/2012

Moroccans, Algerians, Tunisians, Palestinians, Pakistani, Guineans, Congolese, Bulgarians, Afghans…

They are being arrested at the Foreigners Office, at home, on the street, at work, etc.

Every day, newcomers are being told ‘you must leave’.

Some 30 Afghans are now detained in 127bis! One of them was repatriated from France and is now waiting for his ‘deportation’ at the centre. A group flight to Kabul is still on the agenda. http://www.gettingthevoiceout.org/attention-probable-group-flight-to-afghanistan/

Every single day others are being deported with violence.

  • Text message sent by a woman to a lawyer:

« Good morning Maître! It was awful and cruel yesterday in the plane. They were six guards to escort me. They hurt my arm and almost twisted my neck when trying to hide my head under the seats.’

  • A young Afghan was heavily punched by the police during his deportation.

Sometimes, some are released with no explanation and with an order to leave the territory within one week. They leave the centre and go hide somewhere, they do not dare going back home because they fear a new arrest.

Many do not understand why they are arrested. They don’t get any explanation from their social assistant in service and they thought they had the ‘right’ papers.

  • A man has an orange card that is valid until 2014. He has a job and feels at home here. He was living in Leuven where he got arrested. The embassy won’t give him a free pass. The social assistant told him he would stay four months and then be released.

Others signed for a voluntary return and are waiting for it during weeks.

Some are seriously ill, others become crazy:

  • A man who has been detained for four months cries all day long. He is scared of going back to ‘his country’. His co-detainees are extremely worried about him.

  • Another man is handicapped because of an accident. They arrested him although he was regularised two years ago.

Some want to go back to their country and asked for the date of their ‘repatriation’, sometimes for several months.

  • A man who was visiting Belgium was arrested and brought to the 127bis. He wants to go back to where he was living and has a job and family. He has been waiting for one month and even proposed to leave by his own means. He remains imprisoned.

Others have wives and children here and want to stay close to them.

Some are considered as ‘dangers to the public order’. They tell us that ‘they paid’ and that they are ‘clean’ now, they do not see why they would not be allowed to stay among us. http://www.gettingthevoiceout.org/deportation-attempt-of-a-father-because-danger-fr/

Some asked for a lawyer but remain without news. 

Many report being treated like animals.

The isolation cell remains the daily means of repression. They just have to raise their voices and they are placed in isolation for 24 or 48 hours, sometimes for several days.

Useless to say that they are extremely nervous and cry injustice. They ask for support from the outside. 

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