Archives mensuelles : January 2012

Back and forth

18 January 2011 – telephone interview from detention centre 127bis -How long have you been at 127bis? -Today is my 21st day here. – I understand you’ve travelled a lot, is that right? – Yes lots! (he laughs) – So … Continuer la lecture

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We live on the alert

Listen to the story (FR) : [audio:|titles=nous-vivons-sur-le-qui-vive] 17 January 2011 – A detainee of the Zaventem centre on the phone First I would like to say, concerning detention centres, because it is the first time that I enter them but … Continuer la lecture

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I can’t stop thinking about the handcuffs

16 January 2011 – Story of a young South American girl who spent 12 days at detention centre 127bis Listen to the story (in French): [audio:] It was in 2005, I was coming back from work when a friend phoned … Continuer la lecture

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They are real prisons

15 January 2011 – Story of someone who spent 3 months in the 127bis centre and in the centre in Bruges Listen to the story (in French): [audio:] Hello, my name is Sylvain. I am from the Ivory Coast, Abidjan. … Continuer la lecture

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Brique par brique (FR)

Brique par brique… En janvier 2012, le nouveau centre fermé de Steenokkerzeel, dit “Caricole”, fermera ses portes. Ce nouveau centre fermé au bout de la piste de l’aéroport a pour but d’enfermer les plus récalcitrants parmi les sans-papiers que l’Etat … Continuer la lecture

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