Archives mensuelles : June 2012

Thursday 28 June 10:40 a.m Seventh deportation attempt of ‘A. C. C. to Yaoundé ( Cameroon) DEPORTED

Mrs A. C. C. has been detained in a closed center for six months  (127 + 127bis), and she will be subject to her seventh deportation attempt this Thursday 28th of June. She left Cameroon because of real threats due … Continuer la lecture

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They slapped my head against the chair !

12/06/12 This is the testimony of an Iranian man who suffered extreme violence during his latest deportation. Two days later he was put in an isolation cell again to be deported to Turkey and then to Iran. Listen to the … Continuer la lecture

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23/06 – Iranien déjà tabassé il y a trois jours de nouveau expulsé

Demain, monsieur Muhamed Ali, Iranien, va subir une nouvelle tentative d’expulsion vers Istanbul, puis vers l’Iran…. Il y a deux jours, il a subit une autre tentative, au cours de laquelle les policiers l’ont violemment frappé. Il a témoigné de … Continuer la lecture

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21/06 – 13:40 2 ème tentative ! A peine 18 ans , Malien et rapatrié vers la Chine ! Expulsion échouée (FR)

21 juin, HU 492 et SN 4115 vers Beijing China 13;40 Présence à l’aéroport 11h40 h pour ceux qui peuvent! Nous avons été informés que K C, né le 14 fevrier 1994 est Malien et est prisonnier au centre fermé … Continuer la lecture

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Mardi 19 juin à 10:40 Seconde tentative d’expulsion de Jean vers Kinshasa (FR)- DEPORTED

Monsieur Jean NGANGU MVUAMA est enfermé depuis 3 mois et demi à Merksplas, il va subir sa deuxième tentative d’expulsion demain à 10h40 depuis l’aéroport de Zaventem. Il refuse de retourner au Congo, où il n’a rien ni personne, sa … Continuer la lecture

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Contre l’instrumentalisation des administrations communales par l’Office des Etrangers (FR

The Petition signez la pétition ici L’Office des Etrangers (OE) a mis, à titre d’expérience pilote, un de ses agents en permanence dans chacune des grandes villes afin de mener au mieux l’opération SEFOR (« sensibilize follow up and return ») de … Continuer la lecture

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I have four Belgian children

29/05/2012 Interview of a Tunisian man who got deported to Tunisia. His companion and two of his children went to Tunisia to support him. Listen (FR) : J’ai 4 enfants belges I have four children who have the Belgian nationality. … Continuer la lecture

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They wanted to send me back to Afghanistan

25/05/2012 A testimony of an Afghan man who was arrested after starting a hunger strike with 30 other persons to protest against the treatement of persons without papers in Belgium Listen (FR) : Ils veulent m’envoyer en Afghanistan_01 Hello, I … Continuer la lecture

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I have been a refugee in England for ten years

Interview of a man detained in the closed centre of Merksplas. He got arrested when in transit from Morocco to England. He is living in England where he has had the refugee status for 10 years. Listen (FR) : Je … Continuer la lecture

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We have heard about Kanote Cyri, Malian, born on February 14th 1994, living in the closed centre Le Caricole. He arrived to the airport on April 29th and was brought to the centre directly. Probably in the framework of the … Continuer la lecture

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09/06/2012 : News from the centres – it happened near you

  It becomes tricky to make a list of the phone calls we get every day from the closed centres. Here are a few elements and questions from the interviews made in the closed centres on the Belgian way to … Continuer la lecture

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12/06 – 14:30 – Expulsion d’Abdulaye Diallo – Conakry (FR)-retourvolontaire forcé

  Monsieur Diallo,  54 ans a fini par “accepté” son expulsion hier sur Conakry. Il en avait marre de se battre. Le fait qu’il ait signé sur le document qu’on lui a présenté fera monter les statistiques belges de “retour … Continuer la lecture

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07/06 – 14:30 Deuxième tentative d’expulsion pour Kevin vers la Guinée (FR)-DEPORTED

[ALERTE EXPULSION] – LOUIS Kevin Lamah, Guinéen, 22ans – 15/02/1990 Bruxelles Deuxième tentative d’expulsion pour Kevin le 07 juin par le vol SN217 de 14:30 à destination de Conakry. Kevin est enfermé au centre fermé de Merksplas depuis le 16 … Continuer la lecture

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O5/06 Chao in closed center 127 bis in Steenokkerzeel

05/06 Chaotic day in the 127bis Following several perturbations (two “uncooperative” refugees transferred from Vottem to 127bis, isolation of a man from the Ivory Coast and another one from Guinea who doesn’t eat nor drink since his arrival last week), … Continuer la lecture

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4/06/12 SERIOUS SUICIDE ATTEMPT in the closed centre of Bruges, and HUNGER STRIKE in Caricole

07/06 :Notre ami a été ramené au centre avec diverses sutures aux poignet et au cou. Il est toujours en isolement. Actuellement il refuse de manger et serait transféré dans un aure centre dans les prochains jours This Monday morning, … Continuer la lecture

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06/06/2012 – 10:40 a.m Deportation of Mr Albert-Edy MOLA, Congolese, in Belgium for 14 years-FLIGHT CANCELLED

Mr Mola has been deportated with violence on 20 juni Testimony here petition and appeal here UPDATE 6/06: His deportation flight this morning was finally cancelled. He was first brought to the airport and then transferred to the closed … Continuer la lecture

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