Archives mensuelles : July 2012

Deported to Somalia: ” Sorry for saying that but there is no life here, …and now I am losing my life.”

26/07/2012 He was deproted to Quatar and after to Somalia because they do’nt believe he was from Somalia! Appeal for mobilsation to the airport here Interview during his detention: somalien_edit What do you want to say to the people from … Continuer la lecture

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News from the centres / The big cleanup

Imprisonments, deportations, flights with escorts. The rejection of populations who flee tragic situations in their countries and who would like to share the ‘democratic’ system of our developed countries is in full swing. The leaders of our Fortress Europe will … Continuer la lecture

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Deportation 24/07 to Conakry (FR), Deported with many violence

  T was mistrated in the airport of Brussel. He is now “in the hands of the polisy in Guinee” T  va, jour pour jour après 6 mois de détention, subir une tentative d’expulsion ce mardi 24/07. Ce sont ses … Continuer la lecture

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They refused our marriage request

Interview with a woman whose companion is detained in Merksplas detention centre. He was detained after they introduced their request at the commune. They are being accused of a marriage of convenience. After 4 months in closed center Merksplas he … Continuer la lecture

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Deuxième tentative d’expulsion de I ce mercredi 18/07 (FR): DEPORTED

I phone us from Istamboul. Ther was many polise near him. After the communication was broken Monsieur I est Camerounais. Il réside en Belgique depuis 2007. il est enfermé à Vottem et va subir une nouvelle tentative d’expulsion  ce 18/07 … Continuer la lecture

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Troisième tentative d’expulsion de A.F. vers le Qatar, puis la Somalie – FR: DEPORTED

Ce mercredi 18 juillet, à 16h, mr A.F. va être expulsé vers la Somalie, son pays d’origine, en passant par le Qatar. Qatar Airways est la compagnie qui prendra cette fois en charge la vie de cet homme. Il est … Continuer la lecture

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Iraanse family in danger

read and sign de petitie FR,NL,ENG

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Second deportation for E N 14 july (FR): Not deported

Ce samedi 14 juillet, Monsieur E N doit subir sa deuxième tentative d’expulsion vers Cotonou, Bénin, via le vol SN 231 de Brussels Airlines à 14h05. Monsieur N. est actuellement détenu au centre fermé de Vottem. Il vient de recevoir … Continuer la lecture

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Second attempt to deport H to Afghanistan Saturday July 14 : Deported

H is in Afghanistan, secretly accommodated by a friend. Despite the unfailing endurance he has shown during the four years he spent in Belgium and the four months in detention centres, he gave up and is not well at all. … Continuer la lecture

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The Friends of P S (Afghan of 20 years old) detained with him in the Center of Merksplas ask us to intervene to prevent his expulsion to Kaboel the 9 th of July. Deported

We do not have contact with P S. He was isolated saterdaynight to prepare him for his expulsion Like many he was declared not wanted by our Gouvernement The Aliens Branch of the Home Office has shown their incompetence to … Continuer la lecture

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MOBILISATION GENERALE : C. ne peut et ne veut pas partir !!!No news from C!

07/07: no news from C 29/06 2012 – 13:40 3 ème tentative ! A peine 18 ans , Malien et rapatrié vers la Chine ! MOBILISATION GENERALE : C. ne peut et ne veut pas partir !!! HU 492 et SN 4115 … Continuer la lecture

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They broke my ankles

Mr. Mola Eddy, member of MIRGEC (Independent Movement for the Recognition of Congolese Genocide), was subjected to several violent deportation attempts before he was eventually deported on 20 June 2012. At each attempt he was mistreated by his Belgian escorts. … Continuer la lecture

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The ravages of Belgian migration policies- petition The father is deported in Teheran, the mother is in the hospital in Mechelen, and their son, 3 years and a half, is in a state of shock. The authorities continue to try to deport the mother ande the … Continuer la lecture

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Against the use of local administrations by the Immigration Office (EN)

Against the use of local administrations by the Immigration Office (EN) Sign the petition ici The Belgian Immigration Office has put, as part of a trial, a permanently-based officer in all large towns in order to carry out its SEFOR … Continuer la lecture

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9 detainers escape from CRA Mesnil-Amelot 9 évasions du Mesnil-Amelot – 21 juin 2012 Aux dernières nouvelles, malgré l’hypersophistication des systèmes de sécurité, des portails magnétiques, de toutes les caméras de surveillance et du zèle (supposé) des gardien-ne-s du CRA, … Continuer la lecture

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