Archives mensuelles : January 2013

Violent deportation

Detainees in the closed centre of Vottem warned us that Mounir had just been taken by force (30/01 08.00 p.m) by 15 plain clothes officers, that he was mistreated, scotch-taped, beaten and brought to an isolation cell. He is now … Continuer la lecture

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URGENT: second deportation attempt of a Palestinian asylum seeker

URGENT: second deportation attempt of a Palestinian asylum seeker Mohammed came from Egypt with a visa for Romania. He was arrested while in transit and detained in the Caricole centre where he requested asylum. The Foreigners Office considers that Romania … Continuer la lecture

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Unrest and repression in the Belgian closed centres!22/01/2013

Merksplas: Fifteen days ago: the riot police organised a raid with dogs in the closed centre. They were very harsh and beated the detainees event in the centre’s mosk. Some detainees showed resistance and 6 of them were put into … Continuer la lecture

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Deportation of Kumar:”Sir I’m in Nepal now. It’s bad luck I’m in jail.”

SMS 16/01/2013 from Kumar after his deportation: “Sir I’m in Nepal now. It’s bad luck I’m in jail.” 22/02/2013 : new text from Kumar deported on January 15th “I was released yesterday. I had to pay 1,500€ and I will … Continuer la lecture

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Kumar will be subjected to a third deportation attempt unde escort today 15th of January.

Kumar has been detained in the 127bis centre for more than 4 months. He was swindled by the promises of regularisation in 2009, and the State refused to grant him a residence permit and kept him imprisoned during 4 months, … Continuer la lecture

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URGENT : Ce samedi: Expulsion de Jamal, ancien gréviste de la faim: DEPORTED.

Jamal, ami et résistant en lutte pour la régularisation de tous les sans papiers se fait expulser demain sur le vol AT839 départ 12h45 vers Casablanca (embarcation 2h avant) Air Maroc. RV à l’aéroport pour parler aux passagers ce samedi … Continuer la lecture

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“BACK TO LIFE AFTER CHRISTMAS AT CARICOLE” A man wrote to us that he came to Belgium to celebrate the Christmas with his sister and had a valid visa. He was arrested at the airport, detained in the Caricole centre … Continuer la lecture

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URGENT: 2nd deportation attempt of Dallah on flight SN201 to Dakar this Sunday 6 January : not deported

28/01/2013: Dallah was deported during the third attempt: Dallah was deported “hancuffed and everything, there was nothing I could do”. Back home, he was remanded in custody for 24 hours and a friend on the spot could negotiate his release … Continuer la lecture

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