Archives mensuelles : July 2013

Migration policy in Belgium.

31/07/2013 -About the worthlessness of detention centres Many are currently being picked up at home very early in the morning, regardless of their nationality, by the local/federal police on the authority of the Foreigners’ Office SEFOR Service, because they had … Continuer la lecture

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‘About the planned death of a stubborn migrant : not at ours”: Deported

Update: Mr Bah en another guinees man where deported in a prive flyer and many policeman! without passanger!!!!! Call for international support: Resist deportation of 72-days-hungerstriker   For the fifth time, the Dutch state will try to deport … Continuer la lecture

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Two deportation attempts on the same flight 23/07/2013 to Sri Lanka: Deported! Shame!

They are being retained in the Caricole. They came from Sri Lanka to seek asylum. They are Tamil, an ethnic minority being discriminated against by the Sinhalese majority. They were not able to explain their situation correctly during their  interview … Continuer la lecture

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Brussels’ Afghan community stands up against deportations

 After the threat of group deportation flights to Kabul, 200 to 300 Afghans have launched one week of awareness-raising in the Church of Le Béguinage in Brussels on the 15th July 2013. They want to stand up against these deportations … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Ongoing deportations, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

Fifth deportation attempt on 10 july:not deportated

Mr A has been detained for 8 months in Belgian closed centres. He was arrested in November 2012. On March 15th, on his return to the closed centre of Merkspas after a third deportation attempt, he had an argument with … Continuer la lecture

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ATTENTION! Probable group flight to Afghanistan

10/07 Een Afghan man free, Ten new Afghans are in the closed center of Bruges. It is more and more sure ther will be a collectif flight (with the Netherlands?) 07/07 15 Afghans are in the closed centrum 127 bis … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Collective deportations | 2 commentaires