Archives mensuelles : August 2013

Women detained in the closed centre in Bruges:

  Update: On 08/25 9.30 p.m., at least two Congolese women were placed in confinement with no reason and not allowed to warn anyone. Women in the centre are very worried and fear a surprise deportation for them.  Togo, Congo, … Continuer la lecture

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Audio : Foreingoffice ask me to go to my country and die there”(FR)

Translation nead 22/08/2013: Témoignage d’une dame séropositive et diabétique enfermée à Bruges et en voie d’expulsion: L’Office des Étrangers ma demandent de rentrer mourir “Bonjour Madame, Je suis enfermée à Bruges depuis un mois, j’ai été arrêtée à Liège. Les … Continuer la lecture

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A minor detained in the 127 bis closed centre 25/08/2013.

He is 17, Guinean. He came to Belgium when he was 12. He had been to Switzerland with a  girl friend. The Swiss police brought him back to Belgium. He was told to go to the Foreigners Office; which he … Continuer la lecture

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Deportation attempt sunday (FR): Deported

 Monsieur A est Sénégalais. Il y a 10 ans qu’il est en Belgique. Il y a plus de 2 mois qu’il est enfermé au centre fermé de Merksplas. Quatre fois déjà l’Office a essayé de l’expulser. A chaque fois son … Continuer la lecture

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127 Bis Closed Centre : « You must leave » 14/08/2012

Moroccans, Algerians, Tunisians, Palestinians, Pakistani, Guineans, Congolese, Bulgarians, Afghans… They are being arrested at the Foreigners Office, at home, on the street, at work, etc. Every day, newcomers are being told ‘you must leave’. Some 30 Afghans are now detained … Continuer la lecture

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They trampled me!

Testimony by a man who was subjected to a third and a fourth deportation attempt April 2013. Finally he was free Ils m’ont marché dessus What happened yesterday? Yesterday I was brought to the airport for a third deportation under … Continuer la lecture

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Deportation attempt of a father because of ‘danger to the public order’: Deported

He has been living here for 14 years. He has a girlfriend whit whom he’s had a child (8 months) that he recognised and they are expecting a second baby. To settle their situation, they went to the commune of … Continuer la lecture

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Message from a ex detainer of Merksplas

  Update 03/08 Selon Gassama, son expulsion a été annulée car il n’a pas de laissez-passer. Il semblerait aussi que les assistantes sociales à Merksplas font du zèle pour briser la résistance des réfugiés en leur annonçant des expulsions qui … Continuer la lecture

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