Archives mensuelles : October 2013

More news about the collective expulsion of the 27th of October: at Peter De Crem, Minister of Defence, request?

First art here 31/10/2013 These  news have been collected from testimonies of people expelled or locked up. Thirty congolese were brought from other closed centers to the 127bis with the intention of a collective expulsion to the DRC the 27 … Continuer la lecture

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Alerte: New collectif deportation to Albanie/Kosovo 29/10/2013

Update 31/10: Around ten people were taken and bring to the airport yesterday evening We learn that many Albanesen / Kosovars in the center 127bis arrived in the last days They are put for the time (29/10 1p.m;) in isolation … Continuer la lecture

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New deportation of a young Afghan 27/10/2013

A young Afghan who was imprisoned for three months in the 127bis is deported. He was put on a first flight in the morning. He refused,and was put  the same day on another flight with force , accompanied by a … Continuer la lecture

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Collective flight deportation from Belgium to RDC this sunday!

We learn that a flight collective deportation will be held this Sunday, October 27.Several Congolese (s) of different detention centers are currently gathered in closed center 127aImpossible to know the details of these flights.A call turns to go protest and … Continuer la lecture

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The Afghans in the closed centre.

24/10 The  162 Afghans arrested with violence during actions this week were released due to a shortage of places in the detention centers (Link: / actualites / politique /) Many other Afghans who do not participate in the actions,were … Continuer la lecture

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Turn over in the closed centre

22/10/2013 Heavy repression of a demonstration of Afghans today in Brussels 170 very violent , many of them will be bring tomorrow to the closed centers. Today there were 50 Afghans in detention centers which 15 were arrested during … Continuer la lecture

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Deportation and detention centers : Violence and Violence …. : 14/10/2013

 Deportation: Mrs S was expelled onthe sly to Togo . She underwent serious violence committed by the Belgian escort during the eviction . On her arrival in Lome , she was taken to the hospital. She filed a complaint … Continuer la lecture

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Deportation at any price

 Mrs S., of Togolese origin, was deported by the Foreigners Office on October 6th. It was the third deportation attempt on her and it was done in secret to avoid any resistance or mobilisation. She was isolated Saturday 5th of … Continuer la lecture

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Audio : ‘The earth does not belong to anyone’ (FR)

Testimony by a woman retained in the closed centre of Bruges for 4 months and then released. (FR) [audio:à-personne.mp3|titles=La terre appartient à personne] I swear there were pregnant women. One of them lost her baby in the stairs (it was … Continuer la lecture

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Commemoration of Semira in the closed centre in Brugge

google translation: Closed center “The Refuge“: 32 women, of different origins have dressed in the colors of Nigeria, have gathered and have a few minutes of silence held for Semira Adamu, then they sang for her memorial. their message: “In … Continuer la lecture

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Testimony about the hunger strike in the closed centre in Merksplas

 Testimonyin English of a man who was in Merksplas during a hongerstrike in september 2013 Greve merksplas So, I was for 2 months in Merksplas, and during these two months what I see, it’s a place they call centre but … Continuer la lecture

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Testimony Detention centre Calais

Short report from the deportation centre, from someone inside. It is very bad in the deportation centre. the deportation centre is more bad than the prison. if you go to the prison you know why. there is a reason and … Continuer la lecture

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