Archives mensuelles : December 2013

In front of the closed centre 127 bis: 08/12/2013

On Sunday 8th December in the afternoon,  cheerful chaps gathered in front of the 127bis closed centre in Steenokkerzeel. After they exchanged a few words with the detainees who were in the yard, the guards rapidly had the detainees go … Continuer la lecture

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About the hunger strikes in the closed centres 09/12/2013

In four closed centres, hunger strikes have been started by prisoners in protest against the death of a young man from the Ivory Coast in the closed centre of Bruges on 5 December, and out of solidarity with the people … Continuer la lecture

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Deportation of an Afghan boy on 10/12/2013: Deported

Monsieur N , Afghan, va être mis sur un vol KLM vers Amsterdam ce 10/12/2013 Il y a 8 ans qu’il vit en Belgique. Demande d’asile, demande de régularisation n’ont pas été accepté. Il est enfermé au centre fermé 127 … Continuer la lecture

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Expulsion of a hunger striker 10/12/2013:deported and liberate in Venice (italy)!

Update: Meneer B phone us: He was deported this morning and they let hem free in Venice (Italy) without paper and money!   Mr B is Algerian. He risks his life if he goes back to his native country. He … Continuer la lecture

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On 5 December, a detainee of the closed centre of Bruges was found dead in his cell. Although no light has been made yet on the circumstances of his death, one can but notice that another person has succumbed to … Continuer la lecture

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Vottem: solidarity with the Hongerstrikes 07/12/2013 (FR)

Hier matin, un jeune homme originaire de la Côte d’Ivoire a été retrouvé mort dans sa chambre au centre fermé pour étrangers de Bruges. L’enquête sur les circonstances du décès est en cours. La nouvelle s’est répandue, et dans plusieurs centres … Continuer la lecture

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Disaster at the closed centre in Bruges, 5 December 2013

Update 06/12 10 p;m A Bruges, la police est intervenue ce 06/12. Elle est restée dehors et a appelé plusieurs personnes un par un à l’extérieur. Trois personnes ont été Certains ont été mis en isolement, trois autres transférés vers … Continuer la lecture

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Another mass expulsion to the Congo is imminent on 03/12/2013: Update

Update 04/12: Thirty Congolese (men and women) were placed on a military flight, each one escorted by three police officers. More info to come. Update 04/12 9:45 a.m.  15 women and 38 men from Congo in the closed centre. The … Continuer la lecture

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