Archives mensuelles : December 2014

Good news from the closed centres: Escaped on 31/12/2014

This night two very young serbians were able to escape from the 127bis. Incarcerated since three days, they lifted their window out after the last contrôle of midnight and found their freedom.

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Let’s prevent a third deportation attempt to Armenia this Friday 26th of December 2014: Attempt fail

Update 27/12: S. opposed his deportation. He was taken to the back of the plane handcuffed, with an important escort. When he entered the plane they told him that his latest asylum request was rejected. He refused to sign the … Continuer la lecture

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FR: Expulsion collective vers l’Albanie ce 17/12/2014 et cinq nouvelles expulsions collectives annoncées par théo Francken

Engl translation needed

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FR:Témoignage d’un militaire présent lors d’une expulsion collective et trouvé sur les médias sociaux, 20/12/2014

Engl translation need J’étais sur un vol d’expulsion vers la RDC….19 personnes étaient expulsées…nous étions 8 de la défense…. Toutes les autres places étaient occupées par des “accompagnateurs”….A l’embarquement il nous a été dit qu’il était interdit de prendre des … Continuer la lecture

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Mother and two “legal” children deported, 11/12/2014.

She had chosen in September 2014 to settle in Belgium for a while with her two daughters of 4 and 9 years old. The three of them had a Schengen visa that was valid for two years. They were living … Continuer la lecture

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How the Foreigners Office generates orphans… Did you say respect for the rights of the child?

She was already doing return trips between Algiers and Brussels for several months with a visa valid for two years, without any problem. Her two daughters were going to school in Brussels. One day, when back to Brussels airport, a … Continuer la lecture

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Deportation attempt of a Congolese woman (60 years old) under escort on 3rd December 2014

Mrs L, Congolese, 60 years old, had been called to the Foreigners Office. She thought she would get news of her asylum and 9ter regularisation requests, but the Office arrested her on the spot and drove her, handcuffed, to the … Continuer la lecture

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