Archives mensuelles : January 2016

Documents, really?

26/01/2016 A young boy was deported by force: his parents and family are living here. He left his ‘country of origin’, DRC, when he was 7 years old and doesn’t know anything nor anyone there. His crime: he had a … Continuer la lecture

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Third deportation attempt on 25/01/2016: Deported

26/01 Update: Ils étaient plusieurs à l’aéroport pour parler aux passagers. Les passagers semblaient réceptifs et certains assuraient qu’ils n’allaient pas accepter que Rhama soit expulsée. Rhama était accompagnée de 4 policiers , 3 hommes et une femme; Ils l’ont … Continuer la lecture

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Second deportation attempt this Tuesday 19/01/2016

 M has been living in Europe for more than 10 years, in Belgium for 8 years. He is Egyptian. He built his life here in Belgium. He got married here and was living his life here: house, work, car, etc. … Continuer la lecture

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Belgian ‘faits divers’16/01/2016

They are two young Bosnians, 18 and 20 years old, living with their families in the North of France. They crossed the border with Belgium to buy cigarettes. They were caught by the Belgian police and at the request of … Continuer la lecture

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FRONTEX deportation to Nigeria on 14/10/2015 : Testimony

On October 14th and 15th, there were two FRONTEX deportations to Nigeria: one flight from Amsterdam, coordinated by the Netherlands, with 28 deported from different countries, with one stopover in Madrid, the second from Rome, coordinated by Italy, with 48 … Continuer la lecture

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