Archives mensuelles : March 2016

Words by a migrant in a closed centre following the terrorist attacks

27/03/2016 ‘I’m sorry for you, but didn’t you look for it?’ These words remind us of other words by people arrested and retained in the closed centre that we heard several times in the past: ‘In Africa, white people have … Continuer la lecture

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“If there were 1000 places available in the closed centres….”

Words by Freddy Roosemont, director of the Foreigners Office, to the members of the undocumented coordination during an interview. « If there were 1000 places available in the closed centres, we would do our best to occupy them and for … Continuer la lecture

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New collective deportation to Nigeria?

16/03/2016 Last week, a wing of the detention center 127 bis has been emptied on 08/03/2016. We hear that on 14/03 17 Nigerian women have been brought there. So, we assume that some of them have been brought from other … Continuer la lecture

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London against the detention center

Vidéo: London2Calais 12 maart om 16:33 Protesters bang on walls of Yarl’s Wood detention center demanding the immigration prison be shut down as detainees wave from windows and address the gathering via phone. ‪#‎ShutDownYarlsWood‬ ‪#‎refugeeswelcome‬

Publié dans Strijdverhalen, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

France: Mesnil-Amelot : fire in the retention centre

Press release – 8th March 2016 Cimade *Fire in retention : the violence in retention has to end* Four arsons happened over the last days in the administrative retention centre (CRA) of Mesnil-Amelot. Among the three of them that … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans External contributions, News from the centres | Laisser un commentaire

Thousands of Refugees ‘Imprisoned’ in Immigration Detention Centres Across Europe

They carry euphemistic names such as “Immigration Removal Centre” in the UK, “Identification and Expulsion Centres” in Italy or “centers for the internment of foreigners” in Spain. Nevertheless, they should be called prisons.

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About the eagerness of civil servants at Brussels airport

02/03/2016 We get a lot of phone calls from the Belgian closed centres about arrests at the airport. Among the people arrested, a lot have documents in France, Italy, Belgium, the US and they were transiting through Belgium with a … Continuer la lecture

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