Archives mensuelles : January 2018

No contract to retain children

Bars on a logo : this is what a group of citizens depicts in a video in order to denounce the building of family units in the 127bis. Objective? Denounce the involvement of the construction company Lareco Bornem NV in … Continuer la lecture

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« Freedom of movement and establishment for ALL» ?????????

24/01/2018 : Lots of raids have taken place in parkings and train stations in the whole country over the last weeks. Some migrants are released with an order to leave the territory, others (among whom a lot of minors) are … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migration policy, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

ALERT – SAHA will experiment a new deportation attempt to Bangladesh this WEDNESDAY!

23/01/2018: Two weeks ago, we denounced the violence Saha, a young Bangladeshi who has been living in Belgium for 10 years, had to go through during a deportation attempt that was interrupted by the pilot of the plane: He … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Ongoing deportations | Laisser un commentaire

Fallen into oblivion in our ‘law-abiding’ state – Appeal to all!

14/01/2018: It seems that the federal police have launched a migrants’ hunting in the whole country, determined to ‘clean’ all the country: arrests in the stations, parkings and trains the last days. Many hosts are calling us to report missing … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migration policy, News from the centres | Laisser un commentaire

Mangled by the escort during their deportation attempt on him, S. is asking: “who are the criminals?”

10/01/2017: S. has been living in Belgium for ten years. He tried to get regularised since his arrival, in vain, although he worked and respected the laws. He never stole anything, not even to eat. Some of you may have … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans News from the centres, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

The Office des étrangers in counterattack !

The fast intervention team of the Office des étrangers at work On the 25th of December 2017 around noon : a host brings back two migrants to Brussels. The federal police holds an alcohol control on the highway E40 at … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migration policy, News from the centres | Laisser un commentaire