Archives mensuelles : November 2018

Story of a raid in Arlon on 14 November 2018

Picture of a retainee once released and remark by his host: “They released him giving him the direction of the train station, without documents’. He arrived like this, with two numbers around his wrist (one from the police, the other … Continuer la lecture

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Action against a deportationattempt to Afghanistan on 26/11/1018

Update 27/11/2018: M was deported. We don’t have news from him. Two of the persons present at the airport were arrested by the police as soon as they arrived and kept at the police station for an hour, while the … Continuer la lecture

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Closed centres: two testimonies written by hosts

Friday 2 November 2018. H calls me … He has been retained in Vottem since 23 August « I am not well…; they gave me another room, I am with another man; we are only allowed one hour outside, we … Continuer la lecture

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October 2018 : Exiles are being harassed

One may witness a real harassment of the exiles who are arrested in public spaces, transports, stations, and parkings. They are driven to the police station or the identification centre in Steenokkerzeel, most of them are retained for a few … Continuer la lecture

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