Archives mensuelles : December 2019

Borders kill 21/12/2019

List of the known exiles who passed through Belgium and were killed by borders since July 2017   TRIBUTE TO: 2017 : -Omar, 18, Sudanese, died under a bus in Brussels on 23 July 2017 -Dejen, 16, Ethiopian, died in … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migrants in transit, Migration policy | Laisser un commentaire

Let’s gather in front of the 127bis Closed centre this Sunday 22 décembre 2019 at 3.30 p.m

19/12/2019 Hostels are calling for a gathering at closed center 127 bis, against the imprisonment and repeated attempts to expel their “friends” and in solidarity with all the prisoners. Any initiative of refusal in front of the closed centres is … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migrants in transit, News from the centres, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

Escape attempts, suicide attempts, hunger strikes in the closed centres, resistance to deportations

13/12/2019 Calls for help and acts of despair in closed centres are countless Resistance to deportations A lot of migrants are deported to their Dublin country, before coming back or resuming their migratory route. Others doomed to be sent back … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans News from the centres, Struggle stories, Testimonies | Laisser un commentaire

Violent deportation, what a pleonasm, they are all

05/12/2019 Appalling stories are ongoing (voir Today we learnt that the authorities of the Foreigners Office want to deport Mr. A at all costs. Mr. A is from Somalia. He already went through inhuman and degrading treatments from police … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans External contributions, Migration policy, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

Urgent: deportation to Somalia this 02/.12/2019: UPDATE

Update 26/02/2020 Mr. A was released from the centre and left Belgium to try his luck elsewhere, after several attempts at violent evictions and a hard struggle in the centre against these evictions. He was released after a long and … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migration policy, Ongoing deportations, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

Criminal deportations ongoing 15 November 2019

Criminal deportations ongoing 15 November 2019 As far as we know, several exiles are being threatened with new deportation attempts with an escort. Besides the two exiles whom we know have been the subject of violence and were mentioned in … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migrants in transit, Migration policy, News from the centres, Ongoing deportations, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

Action at the closed centre for women VIDEO

STOP CLOSED CENTERS STOP DEPORTATIONS On Sunday, November 24, 2019, the national day of mobilization against violence against women, women activists gather in front of the Holsbeek detention centre to support detained women. At the intersection of several struggles, … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migration policy, News from the centres, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire