Archives mensuelles : August 2021

Minor in 127 bis closed centre and currently in isolation 17/08/2021

Minor in 127 bis closed centre and currently in isolation 17/08/2021 We have received several calls today from detainees at the 127 bis detention centre for a 17 year old Sudanese boy who has been locked up for more than … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migrants in transit, News from the centres, Ongoing deportations, Struggle stories, Testimonies | Laisser un commentaire

Borders kill : Belgium 2017- 29/07/2021

He was walking on a dimly lit road hoping to find the light at the end of the road in Arlon. His name was Hassan and he was 60 years old. He was hit by a car on the way … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans migrant in transit, Migration policy | Laisser un commentaire

When the Grand-Ducal police beat and rob migrants

When the Grand-Ducal police beat and rob migrants04/08/2021 We have received a disturbing testimony, showing once again that the abuse of power – and this is a euphemism, speaking of fascization seems more appropriate – is not uncommon among the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migrants in transit, News from elsewhere | Laisser un commentaire