Archives mensuelles : April 2022

Resistance in the detention centre of Merksplas

20/04/2022 There were 18 detainees in block 3 of the detention centre of Merksplas.  They demanded: – Decent food; – Trustworthy lawyers to claim the right to defend themselves; – An end to the racism of certain staff members; – … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migration policy, News from the centres, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

12 years old and in closed centre ! 16/04/2022

Another move by the Office of Shame!Three children spent a night in a police cell, then transferred to a detention centre, two 12 year old girls to the detention centre of Holsbeek and a 10 year old boy to the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migration policy, News from the centres | Laisser un commentaire

Forced evictions in closed centres: what detainees say

05/03/2022Holsbeek, closed centre for women: “We live in total stress: we don’t know when they are coming to get us to expel us.” “We don’t get a ticket anymore. They suddenly come and kidnap us.” “They put us aside in … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migration policy, News from the centres, Ongoing deportations | Laisser un commentaire

Minors in detention centres

  31/03/2022     S, Algerian born in 2006, 16 years old, travelled across Europe for a year, looking for a place to live. He travelled from country to country (Spain, Germany, France, the Netherlands) to end up in a … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Getuigenissen, News from the centres, Nieuws van de gesloten centra, Testimonies | Laisser un commentaire