Action against a deportationattempt to Afghanistan on 26/11/1018

Update 27/11/2018: M was deported. We don’t have news from him.
Two of the persons present at the airport were arrested by the police as soon as they arrived and kept at the police station for an hour, while the passengers got on board.
We will have to be more discreet from now on.
At least, we may conclude that authorities are scared of our intervention impact on the passengers!


M, 21, a Hazara, repressed people in Afghanistan arrived in Belgium in 2015. His father, mother and brother died in Afghanistan. He applied for
asylum at his arrival in Belgium but it was refused by Belgian authorities. The Office des étrangers (office for foreigners) is on its
way to try and deport him on Monday 26/11/2018 to Kabul via Istanbul by
the Turkish company Airline.

Even though this is his first deportation attempt it is very likely that this deportation will be done with an escort. M has done suicide attempt
at the closed center in Merksplas (near Antwerpen) and it seems the Office des étrangers wishes to get rid of him. His lawyer has reintroduced an asylum application this Friday, 23/11/2018, it will probably only at the ariport that he will be informed whether it is
admitted or not.

M does not want and cannot return to Afghanistan where he has no one left.

His social network is in Belgium and he already speaks perfectly Dutch
He is asking for help to prevent this deportation.

Meeting at the airport on Monday 26/11/2018 at 13:35 to explain to
passengers the situation of M and explain to them that they can refuse
this deportation on their flight!
Turkish Airlines flight TK1939 Istanbul 3 pm

Other Afghans are in the same situation as M in our closed centres and
risk deportation.


Open letter to Charles Michel, Prime Minister, and Theo Francken, Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration: Stop the deportation of the Afghan asylum seekers to Afghanistan

Like so many Belgian mothers, mentors and accompanying people of Afghan asylum seekers in Belgium, I am very concerned about planned deportation of 2 young Afghans in the next few days.

I hereby wish to share my concerns with you considering the dangers these vulnerable boys face upon their return.

Mr Michel, Mr Francken, I know you have been given information about the security situation in Afghanistan and, frequently, a that a return to Afghanistan would be safe.

The reality unfortunately is different. The Afghan government is not able to ensure the safety of the millions of its people, and it is not possible for it to guarantee the safety of those who are returned to that country. Indeed, this government is losing ground every day to the Talibans and ISIS, see the recent report of the “Special Inspector General for Reconstruction of Afghanistan (SIGAR) “” The Afghan government currently controls or influences only 55.5% of the country’s districts, this is the lowest level since SIGAR began monitoring districts in November. 2015 “.

A recent example of the deteriorating security situation was the Taliban attack in Ghazni district, in a region inhabited by Hazaras, that was safe since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001.

West of Kabul, part of the capital where the Hazaras live, is now the first target of attacks, usually claimed by ISIS. Given the recent number of deadly attacks, it is unrealistic to imagine Kabul as a safe return destination.

Mr Abdul Ghafoor of the Afghanistan Migrants Advice & Support Organization (A.M.A.S.O) has followed the last 5 years hundreds of asylum seekers who have been forced back.
He found that the fear in the Afghan population is greater than ever before. The one who is sent back encounters a impossible mountain. Besides the fear of becoming a victim of one of the many attacks there is also the fact of the inaccessibility of a satisfactory social situation and the lack of economic network in a state on which they cannot rely.
Whatever their desire to integrate, the situation in the country is such that they do not see any chance of survival. Their only option is to re-emigrate, re-undertake this dangerous journey. Whoever does not have the chance to do it ends, drug addict, forced to join the militias or give up life. The boys who are currently contemplating their deportation are Hazaras, without any social or economic network. (Hazaras are a 9% minority ethnic group in Afghanistan that are suffering a great deal because they are Shiites unlike the rest of the people who are Sunni)

Our country is a country respectful of values ​​and rules in which many give high values ​​of solidarity, human rights and the assistance to others. Afghans are the most marginalized refugees in the world, their leaders fail, to protect them and do not defend their rights. It is time for our government, and for Europe, to recognize the reality and declare that Afghanistan is not a safe country.

It is now time for Belgium to stop sending Afghans back to danger. The future will not forget what we have done to a group of young people who had come only hoping to find security and protection.

Send this open lettre to the responsable persons

Eerste minister
Charles Michel
Tél: 02 501 02 11 Fax: 02512 69 52
Jan Jambon
Vice Premier  en Minister van Binnenlandse zaken
tél: 02 504 85 13 Fax:02 504 85 00
Staatsssecretaris van Asiel en Migratie
Theo Francken
Tél: 02 206 14 21–
Didier Reynders
Téléphone : 02 501 85 91
232345 /027232362

And Email to the airline that collaborates with these deportations

Turkish Airlines
+32 2 620 08 49
+32 2 720 34 68
+32 2 753 26 75
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