Aler Second deportation 17 04 2013: FREE


Mister A will go through his second deportation attempt to his country of origin, Turkey, tomorrow 17th of April. He has been detained in the closed centre of Vottem for two weeks.
Mister A has been living in Belgium for 28 years, he arrived when he was 20.
He has two Belgian children, one of them minor.

Mister A is calling for our help to resist this deportation.

Flight TK1942 7.50 a.m

It seems that Turkish Airlines deport their nationals almost every day on the first flight of the day, thus collaborating to the Belgian and European migration policies.

Let’s react to this!

Sales OfficeAddress:Cantersteen 51. 1000 Brussels

Or fax mail
Turkish Airlines
+32 2 511 76 76
FAX 025145096
Desk at the airport:
+32 2 720 34 68


and to the people in charge
and copy or other mailing to:

Monsieur M. F. Roosemont,Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers T 02 793 80 31 (NL – EN) – 02 793 80 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 66 40 ,

Monsieur Elio Di Rupo, Premier ministre   Fax022173328, 025126953)
Madame Joëlle Milquet, Vice-Première ministre et Ministre de l’Intérieur  Fax: 022380129,025048500,025048580)
Madame Maggie De Block, Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile, à l’Immigration et à l’intégration sociale, adjointe à la Ministre de la Justice :
Téléphone : 02 542 80 11
Fax : 02 542 80 03

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