Attempted deportation on a FRONTEX flight on 21/09/2021

Attempted deportation on a FRONTEX flight on 21/09/2021

We have already published several reports about one of our contacts who is currently detained in the closed centre of Vottem. Previous calls here

Originally from Nigeria, he says he is a member of a political opposition movement and is in danger of death if returned. After two applications for asylum, the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons decided that his claims were not credible.

He has been detained for almost a year (!!) and has been subject to numerous attempts to deport him. It is more than likely that he will be put on a Frontex flight denounced by

This flight, with destination Lagos, would leave from Germany or Austria and would gather people deported from several European countries.

Let’s prevent this deportation by writing, faxing, phoning the people responsible for these criminal acts.

Alexander De Croo Eerste minister: +32 2 501 02 11. Email:

Sammy Mahdi Beleidscel en Secretariaat van de Staatssecretaris voor Asiel en Migratie, 02/488.06.06. Email:

Annelies Verlinden Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken: 02/488.05.11. Email: Mr Roosemont, Director of the Aliens Office 02 793 80 31 – 02 79380 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 66 40

Frontex : e-mail Plac Europejski 6 (48 22) 205 95 00 (corner of Towarowa and Łucka streets) fax. 00-844 Warsaw (48 22) 205 95 01

ABOLISH FRONTEX ! More info here


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