ATTENTION: 15 days major European operation controls against “illegal” migration.



let them hear our voice: we say NO to exclusion, we say NO to state racism!
We reject foreigners’ hunting, police controls on racial grounds, foreigners’ detention.
Securitarial policies will never put an end to our solidarity!


News 17/10/2014

Not easy to identify the actions by Mos Maiorum in Belgium:
– there were discreet controls on trains by men in civilian clothes asking questions to passengers who didn’t look very white.
– there were discreet raids in phone-shops in Leuven. One Afghan for sure was arrested and placed in a closed centre.
– there were important checks in several places in Brussels but it is not certain that all these ‘raids’ and/or police controls were taking place in the context of Mos Maiorum!
– controls on the roads also seem to be more frequent.
– Belgian railway stations also seem to be very much targeted.

If you are stopped in order to ‘answer’ some questions, you may refuse to take part in this screening organised by Europol and Frontext in view of stopping freedom of movement!
If you have been or are the witness of some actions by our police, send an email with as much details as possible that you might have seen to

More info

More Mos Maiorum en Europe in Engl sur

Et for France


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The Council of the European Union is organizing from 13 to October 26, 2014 a major joint operation with the Schengen Member States, Europol and Frontex, called “Mos maiorum”

First, let’s look at the racist and even fascist overtones of the name Mare Maiorum:
The moss majorum (or moss maiorum) means “old ways” or “ancestral customs” and in ancient Rome, lifestyle and the system of ancestral values​​. It is often taken as a reference, and contrasts with the spectacle of decadence of the present world !!!!
The five fundamentals of moss majorum are:

fides: loyalty, respect for the given word, loyalty, faith; confidence (…)
pietas: piety, devotion, patriotism, duty
majestas: to belong to a superior chosen people, majesty
virtus: quality specific to Roman citizenship, courage, political activity
Gravitas: all conduct of the traditional Roman, respect for tradition, seriousness, dignity, authority

What a program! The choice of code name has been a source of his denunciation !!

All possible migration routes in Europe will be checked in all Schengen States and Europe’s external borders,
the objectives being:
-Arrest “illegal” immigrants and gather information in view of investigation
-Identify, hunt and disrupt the organized crime groups
-Consolidate joint actions to prevent “illegal” migration
-Look at the routes used by migrants and migration networks.
-Collect and analyze the information related to secondary movements also

Controls at airports, train stations, ports, borders and other strategic places (train, bus, metro, tram?) will be strengthened without a doubt. So be careful.

Widely Forward Please !

Below the official document about this.

8 languages, to send and print everywhere

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11 Responses to ATTENTION: 15 days major European operation controls against “illegal” migration.

  1. Ping : ATTENTION: 15 days major European operation controls against “illegal” migration. | Revolution Sociale

  2. Ping : ATTENTION : Les 15 jours d’une grande opération européenne de contrôles des migrations dites “illégales” | les AZA

  3. Ping : “Mos Maiorum”: Ευρωπαϊκή επιχείρηση εκτεταμένων ελέγχων κατά των μεταναστών « liberation14

  4. Ping : Mos maiorum, la grande opération européenne de contrôles des migrations dites “illégales" | Collectif Mobilisation Groupe 2009

  5. Ping : Έκτακτο – επείγον : Βρυξέλλες – Παρίσι : Ατοπυρπολήσεις διαδηλωτών ενάντια στο Πανευρωπαϊκό Προγκρόμ (13-26/10/14) κατά των μεταναστών χωρί

  6. Ping : Έκτακτο – επείγον : Βρυξέλλες – Παρίσι : Αυτοπυρπολήσεις διαδηλωτών ενάντια στο Πανευρωπαϊκό Προγκρόμ (13-26/10/14) κατά των μεταναστών χωρ

  7. Ping : Έκτακτο – επείγον : Βρυξέλλες – Παρίσι : Αυτοπυρπολήσεις διαδηλωτών ενάντια στο Πανευρωπαϊκό Προγκρόμ (13-26/10/14) κατά των μεταναστών χωρ

  8. Ping : Έκτακτο – επείγον : Βρυξέλλες – Παρίσι : Αυτοπυρπολήσεις διαδηλωτών ενάντια στο Πανευρωπαϊκό Προγκρόμ (13-26/10/14) κατά των μεταναστών χωρ

  9. Ping : Έκτακτο – επείγον : Βρυξέλλες – Παρίσι : Αυτοπυρπολήσεις διαδηλωτών ενάντια στο Πανευρωπαϊκό Προγκρόμ (13-26/10/14) κατά των μεταναστών χωρ

  10. Ping : Έκτακτο – επείγον : Βρυξέλλες – Παρίσι : Αυτοπυρπολήσεις διαδηλωτών ενάντια στο Πανευρωπαϊκό Προγκρόμ (13-26/10/14) κατά των μεταναστών χωρ

  11. Ping : vforvolos | ΚΟΣΜΟΣ : Ευρωπαϊκή επιχείρηση εκτεταμένων ελέγχων κατά των μεταναστών

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