
Balkans is a strange region regarding to the European Union. Region eligible for integration into the Union, but for now fragmented and fragmentation compounded by the EU on behalf of issues of migration and border surveillance.


Greece is threatened with expulsion from the Schengen area, when the emigration of its population will resume under the effect of an economic crisis worsened.


Bulgaria and Romania are part of the European Union but not of the Schengen area, and access to their nationals in the labor market is limited in most other EU countries.


The former Yugoslavia exploded between Slovenia, a member of the European Union and the Schengen area, find summoned to monitor its border with Croatia; Croatia that it will join the EU in 2014, the Bosnia itself divided following the Dayton Accords, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, which Serbia does not recognize the independence, Macedonia that Greece does not recognize the right to call itself Macedonia. Countries that are ordered by the European Union to establish a system for receiving asylum seekers, to participate in the European fight against illegal immigration, but also to oppose the emigration of their own nationals.


Albania finally, also traditional country of emigration.


The question of emigration from the region crystallized around the issue of Roma, and if France rattle in particular those of Romania and Bulgaria, other countries like Germany return overwhelmingly those of Serbia , Kosovo and Bosnia who have sometimes spent more than 10 years on its soil.


While the passage between Greece and Italy is considerably reduced and that the exiles across the Balkans to Central Europe, no country in the region has implemented a system allowing the integration of asylum people, gambling Dublin II and bilateral readmission agreements in the region is a migrant trap, starting with those that could access international protection and who are denied access to the country capable to welcome them.


Height of cynicism, countries such as Serbia are enjoined to hold and punish their nationals who could go to the European Union to seek asylum. The term “bogus asylum seekers” became inseparable in the discourse of politicians and the media.

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