Break-out and hunger strikes in the closed centre of Bruges

Update 10/05:

Update: 08/05

Around 50 are on a hunger strike and they are extremely united. A few women do not strike, either because they are pregnant or sick. The management seems to currently accept the action, the only conditions are that the women must continue to follow the daily routine of the centre and go to the canteen at 1 p.m and 7 p.m where they are supposed to eat, and to their courtyard at 1.45 p.m and 7.45 p.m.

We heard that yesterday, Monday 6th of May, a dozen of prisoners from the closed centre of Bruges climbed to the roof of the centre. Three of them managed to escape and vanished into thin air.

After that, the women of the centre started a hunger strike on Tuesday 7th of May to protest against their detention conditions. They say that they live in inhuman conditions, that they are isolated and then taken to the airport without notification, without even being allowed to warn anyone. They deem their place is not in a prison, they are asylum seekers or waiting to be regularised, there is no reason for them to be imprisoned.

They ask the possibility to speak to journalists to make their living conditions known.

Three other detainees have been on hunger strike for several days in the closed centre of Vottem in Liège. They also protest against their detention conditions.

In the Netherlands, a movement of hunger strike is ongoing in the detention centres of Schiphol and Rotterdam.

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