Two days ago, two detainees in Coquelle detention center started a hungerstrike, that was today joined by 4 other detainees.
The refusal of food is, as many other hungerstrikes that have been held in Coquelle so far, a protest against the inhumane conditions inside this detention center.
The main demands of the protesters are:
– Getting food in sufficient amounts
– Serving halal food
– Respectful treatment
– Proper medical care
– An end to their injust detention
The protesters reported that another detainee had been been beaten up this morning – when No Border supporters tried to visit several people this was the only person the police “could not find in the computer”, so that it was impossible to check in what state this person is now.
The detention centers’ atmosphere is marked by strong repression and intimidation, the recent beating is only an escalation of that.
The protesters would be happy about signs of solidarity from the outside and about everyone spreading their demands and their reports about the treatment they receive. Messages of solidarity can be send to the CMS mail adress, we will pass it on.
The phone number of Coquelles detention center, for everyone who wants to give them a small feedback, is 00333 21 46 25 00.
Food is brought into prison by a private company, name so far unknown.
Ping : Calais: Hungerstrike in detention center | Occupy Belgium |