We provide each detainee with a €10 monthly top-up phone card. Our resources are diminishing, which is why your help is crucial!
Make a donation (or better still, a permanent order) to support us. The money will be sent directly to a detainee in the form of a top-up code:
Collectif Contre les Expulsions BE58 5230 8016 1279 Communication: Lyca top-up
Triodos Bank (BIC: TRIOBEBB)
Why top-up?
When they arrive in a detention centre, people who are placed in administrative detention (with the aim of being sent back to their country of origin, on the pretext that they do not have the right documents to remain in Belgium) have to top up their phones at their own expense.
Their phone is very often their only contact with the outside world, whether it’s their family, their lawyer, or to make their situation known publicly. Whether their arrest takes place on their migration route or in their place of residence, whether their family and friends are here or abroad, being able to warn and communicate with their loved ones is crucial. Many of them would not have the means to do so without your help.
Pass this message on to your friends and people you know!