Call for Support for Richard

24/07/2023 : A short while ago, we reported on the alarming situation of Richard Ngaballa. Forced to flee Cameroon because of his homosexuality, he was refused for asylum by the Belgian government, which argued a lack of evidence of his sexual orientation. He now faces imminent risk of forced deportation to Cameroon, where he has already suffered torture and abuse. Richard has already faced a first attempt of expulsion on Friday 14 July 2023. The next attempt will certainly be organised with a police escort, and therefore more difficult to resist. Here persrelease  17/07

Although everyone around Richard knows that he is gay, the CGRS (hence, the Belgian government) says it is not convinced. This decision was taken despite the risk of imprisonment and violence in Yaoundé. And yet, a complaint has been lodged against Richard in Yaoundé concerning his homosexuality.
Getting the Voice Out stands against all forms of confinement and against borders. Everyone should have the right to live and move where they choose. Therefore, we do not recognise the legitimacy of the migration and asylum authorities. However, we feel it is important to denounce the absurdity of the decisions taken and the impact they have on the lives of the people concerned.
If you wish to support Richard, you can write to the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS) and to the Immigration Office to express your indignation regarding the way he is being treated by the Belgian state.
Action – Call for support:
    Sample letter to send: 
    Dear Director of the Immigration Office, To Whom it may concern.
    I am sending you this email to draw your attention to the situation of Richard Ngaballa, who is currently being held at the 127bis detention centre. Mr Ngaballa was forced to flee Cameroon because of persecution linked to his sexual orientation, and has applied for international protection on several occasions. If Mr Ngaballa is deported to Cameroon, he risks death or imprisonment. We believe that Richard Ngaballa must be released as a matter of urgency and granted refugee status in Belgium in order to benefit from the protection to which he is entitled.
    We ask you to release Richard Ngaballa as a matter of urgency.
To be sent to:
Centre fermé 127 bis –
Aliens Litigation Council
Fax 027910400
02 274 66 05
02/793 96 52 (na17u of in het weekend)
Reptriëringscentrum 127bis
T 02 755 00 00
F 02 759 81 68
Bureau CR / Cellule Rapatriement 
Internal Control Directorate 
T 02 793 84 00/01/12 
F 02 274 66 20 
Nicole de Moor, Cabinet and Secretariat of the Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration – Email :
Mr Roosemont, Director of the Immigration Office – E-mail : – Tel : +32 2 793 80 31 / +32 2 793 80 30 (FR) – Fax : 02 274 66 40
CGRS / +32 2 205 51 11
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