03/03/2021 Call for support, massive hunger strike!
Yesterday evening, a hunger strike started in the closed centre of Merksplas.
11 detainees have refused to show up in the refectory.
Since this morning the movement amplifies and a great number of people have joined the action.
They demand to be set free! Due to the sanitary crisis and the decrease of flights, the detainees are locked up for abnormally long periods, sometimes a whole year.
Some of them have family, friends, sometimes even children in Belgium and do not want to be separated from them.
Any act of solidarity is welcome!
The Centre for Illegal Migrants in Bruges (CIB) cim.info@ibz.fgov.be
Zandstraat 150, B-8200 Bruges
Tel. +32 50451040
Fax. +32 50315956