Call to commemorate Semira Adamu’s death

It was on 22 September 1998. Semira Adamu, a young girl of 20 years old, was murdered by the 9 policemen who wanted to deport her.

She had already resisted 5 deportation attempts hence this time they were determined, even if it meant to kill her. Although her death enabled a big awareness-raising among the population, it did not change the atrocities caused by migratory policies, the latter even hardened with the times.

We can see more and more exploitation of the undocumented, raids on our streets, broken lives, deaths, etc.Therefore, 22 years after, we do not forget and we still do not forgive!This is a call to make those atrocities visible for everyone to remember.Here are a few ideas of things to do during the coming week:   

– decorate the streets with the effigy of Semira: stick posters to your window or in the streets, paint walls that are too grey   

– speak about degrading migratory policies with your neighbours, when queuing in a shop, on social media   

– go show your solidarity with the retained people, even with only 2 or 3 friends, it is really possible to communicate with them and show your support. You may bring things to make some noise in front of the centre.  The 6 closed centre here 

– help the undocumented (whether settled or just passing), help them survive, continue their path or escape in case of arrest.   

– go shout or scupper the responsible and tools of these policies: the Foreigners Office, the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons, the police, the Stib (that delivers the undocumented to the police during controls), Brussels Airlines (that actively repatriates), etc.       


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