Campaign against the deportation by Brussels Airlines 28/11/2013

Proposition to fax/mail to SN Airlines here

 Austrian Airlines refuse to collaborate with a new deportation of a Gambian boy living in Vienna. The actvists in Vienna thinks he will be deportated the follow time with the collaboration of SN Airlines and appeal for a fax and mail campaign against SN Airlines

 Please send a fax as soon as possible!

Fax = 027233599 / 027238496 / 027534931

Tél : 078 188889 / 027232345 / 027232362

Brussels Airlines,, Brussels Airport bld 26, Ringbaan, 1831 Diegem, Belgium

Stop this deportation! Nyatta has to stay!

Nyatta J. (born 13.02.1979, Gambia) from Gambia is living in Austria for 10 years already and iswell integrated. He speaks German on B1-level and he was working legally. He was married for five years to an Austrian woman and applied for humanitarian visa after the divorce. The visa wasrejected. Instead they arrested and put him into detention center on 25th of August 2013. He does not have a ban on staying and wants to live in Austria. The responsible asylum authority rejected hisrequest. The asylum court did not react on his appeal and did not grant suspensive effect.

The Austrian aliens’ police tried to deport him on the 18th of November via Brussel to Gambia, butAustrian Airlines did refuse it. It was too risky for the pilot, because of the health and mental condition of Nyatta J.!! He is now in an even worse mental condition and the deportation is againsthis free will.

The Austrian aliens’ police does not mind and wants to try to deport him again. This is an utter scandal!!

He could probably be put on a flight of Brussels Airlines, because Austrian Airlinesstill refuse to transport him. If Brussels Airlines transport Nyatta J., the responsible crew willendanger the safety of the whole flight and passengers!

As customers of Brussels Airlines we don ́t want you to make money by deporting refugeesagainst their will. Don ́t make business with authorities who day by day break Human Rights,as fair asylum procedures, freedom of movement and protection!

Solidarize with Nyatta, rise up and protest! Stand up for human rights and the freedom ofmovement and against deportations which are based on racist laws!


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