Category: Collectieve uitzettingen

Asylum seeker from Afghanistan threatened to be deported to Bulgaria: police violence and systemic violent practices as an integral part of the migration policy in Bulgaria.

The collective Getting the Voice Out condemns the arrestation and the previous attempt of deportation of a underage Afghan asylum seeker(who according to the Belgian Migration Office is of age. However the Office made this conclusion based on a research … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Collectieve uitzettingen, Nieuws van de gesloten centra | Laisser un commentaire

Mass deportations 20/01/2022 and Covid in closed centre 20/01/2022

Mass deportations 20/01/2022 Many detainees in closed centres are or will be deported these days, mainly to sub-Saharan Africa. Most of them are people who have been arrested at the airport and denied asylum. They are desperate and tell us … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Collectieve uitzettingen, Expulsions en cours, News from the centres, Nouvelles des centres, Récits de luttes, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

Attempt to escape, Manifestation: The only response: Repression and censuur 01/10/2016

Attempt to escape 127bis: 27/09 : during the walk time, a man jumped over the 3 fences of the centre: this was followed by a police deployment and a manhunt. They found him and transferred him to a secured wing … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Collectieve uitzettingen, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

New deportation from Belgium to Guinee 30/03/2012 (FR)

Nouveau charter de la honte Ils sont une petite vingtaine de Guinéens isolés depuis 16 heures au centre fermé 127bis pour un vol militaire au départ de Melsbroek vers la Guinée demain 28/03 On ne sait pas à quel heure. … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Collectieve uitzettingen | Laisser un commentaire