Category: External contributions

The articles under this section are reflections on imprisonment and the system that provokes and supports it in general, as well as on closed centres in particular. They are rants, comments or information on migration policies. The content of each text at least partly coincides with the ideological core of Getting the Voice Out (mentioned in the introductory text), but is more or less different. The readers are invited to use this material as they wish, either reclaiming it or spreading it.

Contre l’instrumentalisation des administrations communales par l’Office des Etrangers (FR

Carte blanche. Recenser, pour arrêter et expulser, cela ne vous rappelle rien ? L’Office des Etrangers instrumentalise les administrations communales ! Quand les promesses de 2009 mènent à Caricole.. Signez la pétition ici L’Office  des Etrangers (OE) a mis, à titre d’expérience … Continuer la lecture

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