Category: News from elsewhere

Closed centres, repression and struggles exist all over the world. You will find different texts on these realities in this section.

CLOSED CENTRES: violence and transfers: “All our rights are being taken away”

People gathered in front of the Immigration Office on 19 January 2024 to denounce the recent deaths of people who were detained in closed centres, to denounce the conditions of detention and the physical and psychological violence to which these … Continuer la lecture

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Search notice 17/03/2022

This Sunday 13/03, eight “migrants”, probably of Sudanese origin, were taken away by the federal police from a camp in the Arlon/Luxembourg region.   Today 17/03/2022 they remain untraceable despite our searches.   Presumably, none of them has been able … Continuer la lecture

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When the Grand-Ducal police beat and rob migrants

When the Grand-Ducal police beat and rob migrants04/08/2021 We have received a disturbing testimony, showing once again that the abuse of power – and this is a euphemism, speaking of fascization seems more appropriate – is not uncommon among the … Continuer la lecture

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Abolish Frontex 09/06/2021

Around twenty activists spread blood on the walls of the FRONTEX agency (European Border and Coast Guard Agency). This action is part of a European campaign that aims at putting an end to that agency and its world.    Since … Continuer la lecture

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All at the borders

In Nice on 05/06/2021, the feminist action ‘Toutes Aux Frontières‘ denounces the walls built up all around Europe and claims the freedom of movement everywhere, all the time, and a definitive break with the patriarchal and militaristic history of borders.  In … Continuer la lecture

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FR: Urgent ! Covid : situation hors de contrôle dans le CRA de Vincennes (fr)

30/01/2020 :Ce midi, au déjeuner, les policiers au contact des sans-papiers du CRA de Vincennes ont tous revêtu des combinaisons intégrales de protection. Depuis ce soir, les sans-papiers n’ont plus accès au réfectoire. Des gamelles sont distribuées dans les chambres. … Continuer la lecture

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COLLECTIVE TRIBUTE TO MOHAMED KHAMISSE ZACHARIA: THE END OF A DREAM On November 19, 2020, on the A16, a young 20-year-old Sudanese lost his life and all his dreams. He was our compatriot, our brother, our friend. Mohamed died hit by a car while he … Continuer la lecture

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Collective deportation “Dublin” from Great Britain to Belgium this 22/1O/2020

UPDATE 21/10/2020 21H30: départ 22/1O Stansted airport 8.45 am, arrived Brussels airport 9.45 am: Great Britain sent back migrants by charter to their country “Dublin” in Europe.It is still in the process of doing so.Several charters have already been organized … Continuer la lecture

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From MORIA to DOVER via CALAIS. We rise up ! 26/09/2020

  🏼 WE RISE UP! 🏿 In Greece, it took the fire in the refugee camp at Moria, for Europe to finally pay attention to these shameful camps. However, 12,000 people are still in an administrative limbo, homeless and without … Continuer la lecture

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CALAIS 26/09/2020: Big Demonstration

CALL FOR SOLIDARITY FOR THE RESPECT OF THE RIGHTS AND DIGNITY OF PEOPLE IN EXILE Source and infos: The Opale Coast : its beaches, its dragon, its squares, its carnival and … … and the determination of the State … Continuer la lecture

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Stop deportations: Campaign

27/07/2020 A new campaign has been launched in Germany to push Lufhtansa to stop all deportations ! “The alliance calls on Lufthansa to take a clear position against racism and to stop transporting people against their will. More than 20 … Continuer la lecture

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Sea safety Channel 02/03/2020

Hello all. Seeing weather conditions crossings have not been many in the past month or so. Yet, this also means more people waiting for crossing this way adding up and potentially bigger wave of crossings in a week or two, … Continuer la lecture

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“Fuck them and their law” : Libérons Anton, Vrijheid voor Anton: Nl Engl, Fr

 “Fuck them and their law” : Libérons Anton, Vrijheid voor Anton: Nl Engl, Fr Source: “Fuck them and their law” : Libérons Anton, Vrijheid voor Anton posté le 09/02/20 mercredi 12 février 2020 12:00 lieu : Ambassade des Pays Bas adresse : … Continuer la lecture

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France : Prisonners fight 22/01/2020

Communiqué du 22 janvier 2020 des prisonniers de Oissel en lutte The prison for foreigners in Oissel (near Rouen) is known for its violent and racist practices, its administration suppressing all resistance movements. In this prison, solitary confinement is regularly … Continuer la lecture

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GB: The Stansted15 have been convicted under terror-related legislation

Today the #Stansted15 were found guilty in Chelmsford Crown Court. In a statement they said: “We are guilty of nothing more than intervening to prevent harm. The real crime is the government’s cowardly, inhumane and barely legal deportation flights and … Continuer la lecture

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In Belgium too people die on migratory routes 14/09/2018

Repression, arrests, mistreatments, racketeering, deportations: these are part of the current messages on FB and elsewhere Forgetting the dead. Migrants’ hunting, be it by the police forces or by smugglers, the desperate acts of migrants to flee this repression and … Continuer la lecture

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Workshop: How to put an end to deportations? O4/O5/2018

Workshop: How to put an end to deportations? facilitated by End deportations & Lesbians and gays support the migrants Friday 4 May, 6.30 – 9 p.m – Maison de la Paix (Rue Van Elewyck 35, Ixelles) Welcome at … Continuer la lecture

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Death at the border on 22/03/2018

On 21st of March, a 22 year old man died at the port of Zeebrugge as he tried to reach the UK. He was stuck between 2 containers and died instantly. This is the fifth known death since July 2017 … Continuer la lecture

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Trial of 15 activists in GB: Stop deportation flight

Last year, 15 people grounded a deportation charter flight for ten hours to prevent it taking off. On MONDAY 19TH March 2018, they are standing trial, charged with a terrorism-related offence that could result in life imprisonment ! Secret deportation … Continuer la lecture

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120 women on hunger strike in Yarls Wood detention centre. 23/02/2018

We stand in solidarity with the 120 women on hunger strike in Yarls Wood detention centre. Ici leur revendications: 1. Shorter bail request periods Legally it should 3-5 days, however it can take anywhere up to 21 days, or even … Continuer la lecture

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8th September 2016 Horror scene of deportations Wednesday 7th September – flight AF386 Paris-Bamako It is 1.30 p.m. when the police of the administration retention centre of Vincennes come to pick up Sekouba MAREGA to drive him to the airport … Continuer la lecture

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The new Frontex: A European Border and Coast Guard to protect Europe’s External Borders European Commission – Press release A European Border and Coast Guard to protect Europe’s External Borders Strasbourg, 15 December 2015 A European Border and Coast Guard to protect Europe’s External Borders The European Commission is today adopting an important … Continuer la lecture

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The humanitarian emergency at the Parc Maximilien. And after? 04/09/2015

The emergency has been declared; the so-called ‘humanitarian’ emergency. However, the concept of ’emergency’ implies that it can only be answered with short term solutions, hence preventing any longer term solutions and even ‘forgetting’ about the political origins of these … Continuer la lecture

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FR: La France expulse empêchons -la 2/09/2014 Les décisions d’expulsion vers le Soudan se multiplient. Même s’il semble qu’elles ne soient pas mises à exécution jusqu’à présent, elles signifient qu les personnes sont enfermées en rétention pendant des semaines avec l’angoisse d’un retour qui peut signifier … Continuer la lecture

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FR: Petits tours au CRA de Vincennes

Mercredi 27 août 2014. Un poignée de personnes solidaires se sont rendues sous les murs du centre de rétention pour un parloir sauvage. Des cris ont été échangés pendant quelques minutes avec les retenus. Vendredi 29 août 2014. À l’appel … Continuer la lecture

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FR: “On ne négociera pas” Communiqué des retenus du centre de rétention de Vincennes

update Dimanche 24 août 2014, centre de rétention de Vincennes: “On est toujours en grève de la faim. Le commandant n’est pas revenu nous voir depuis vendredi. La nuit a été calme. Mais les policiers continuent de nous provoquer. Ils … Continuer la lecture

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Emergency situation in Calais! All squats and camps will be evicted in the next few days! 25/05/2014

Call to all squatters, antifascists and everyone else to support the struggle in Calais! On May 27th, the three main camps of Calais will be destroyed by the police. More than 600 people live in these camps, which were won … Continuer la lecture

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Hunger strike and protests now in 3 UK migration prisons 08/05/2014 (ENGL) In Italiano: See also new video here: Events so far as of Wednesday 7 May 2PM. On Friday (2 May) over 150 detainees in Harmondsworth migration prison occupied the main courtyard in a sit down protest and … Continuer la lecture

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Témoignages sur la rafle des sans papiers au faciès à Barbès (Paris) – FR

pendant les rassemblements contre les groupes d’extrème droite qui ont tué Clément . Quand la police met Barbès en état de siège pour rafler des sans-papiers Mathieu Molard le 13 06 2013 Jeudi 6 juin, plus de 80 … Continuer la lecture

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Hongerstrike in detention centre Netherlands CALL FOR SOLIDARITY WITH HUNGER AND THIRST STRIKERS IN DETENTION CENTERS IN THE NETHERLANDS public indictment against the system of repression we call Fortress Europe. About 60 asylum seekers in detention center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, have been in … Continuer la lecture

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[Vincennes] Nouvelles et Témoignage depuis la prison pour étranger – avril 2013 – FR

Ces dernières semaines, nous avons eu des nouvelles de l’intérieur du centre par le biais d’une personne enfermée dans le cra 2 qui a appelé sur le téléphone de l’émission de radio Sans papiers ni frontières. Il a malheureusement été … Continuer la lecture

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Calais: Hungerstrike in detention center Two days ago, two detainees in Coquelle detention center started a hungerstrike, that was today joined by 4 other detainees. The refusal of food is, as many other hungerstrikes that have been held in Coquelle so far, a protest … Continuer la lecture

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Évasion du centre de rétention de Palaiseau – FR

Nous publions ci-dessous deux textes diffusés par un collectif de soutien crée suite à l’évasion de quatre personnes du centre de rétention administrative de Palaiseau (région parisienne) en décembre 2012. Ils racontent le procès d’Ibrahim, accusé de violences dans le … Continuer la lecture

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FRANCE / Manifestation nocturne et sonore vers le centre de rétention de Vincennes,

Vendredi 16 novembre 2012 à 18 heures Pondre une énième réforme pour enfermer et expulser toujours plus d’étrangers (allongement du contrôle d’identité à 16 heures) semble être aussi normal que de se demander ce qu’on va manger ce soir. Enfermer … Continuer la lecture

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Incendie au centre de rétention du Canet à Marseille (FR)

Samedi 1er septembre, à 21h, le feu est mis à des matelas dans la salle commune du premier étage du centre de rétention. Le circuit électrique de la salle commune brûle entièrement, faisant exploser la télévision collective. En entendant crier … Continuer la lecture

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Marseille l’été… Son soleil, ses plages … et son centre de rétention !(FR)

Pendant que les touristes se prélassent au bord de l’eau , visitent le vieux port en chantier et sirotent leur pastis en attendant 2013, la machine à expulser poursuit son cours … Dans le centre de rétention, la tension monte. … Continuer la lecture

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9 detainers escape from CRA Mesnil-Amelot 9 évasions du Mesnil-Amelot – 21 juin 2012 Aux dernières nouvelles, malgré l’hypersophistication des systèmes de sécurité, des portails magnétiques, de toutes les caméras de surveillance et du zèle (supposé) des gardien-ne-s du CRA, … Continuer la lecture

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