Category: Strijdverhalen

Verhalen over de strijd in en rond de gesloten centra in België

A new case of death, this time at the Bruges detention centre: prisoners speak out

09 sptember 2024 A man of Georgian nationality, who arrived at the Bruges detention centre a week ago, had stopped eating for 5 days. The man suffered from diabetes and was not receiving adequate treatment. On 2 September, he collapsed … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Getuigenissen, Nieuws van de gesloten centra, Strijdverhalen | Laisser un commentaire

Testimony of a violent expulsion by military flight (cargo)

Testimony of a violent expulsion by military flight (cargo) [TW police violence]     Over the last few months, we have been in regular contact with a person of Djiboutian nationality who was detained at the Caricole detention centre for almost four … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Expulsions en cours, Getuigenissen, Récits de luttes, Strijdverhalen, Témoignages, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

PRESS RELEASE: A gay man faces deportation to Cameroon , where he is threatened with imprisonment and death

17 July 2023 A gay man faces deportation to Cameroon , where he is threatened with imprisonment and death Several years ago, Richard left Cameroon to escape violence because of his homosexuality. He has been denied international protection in Belgium, … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Strijdverhalen, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Audiotestimony : Twenty five days of hunger strike: “In Brussels, where are the human rights? “06/02/2023 Update

Update : Free on 09/02/2023 He is 44 years old. Originally from Tunisia, he has been living in Belgium for 12 years. On 13 December he was placed in a detention centre following a police check in Stalingrad. He had built … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Audio testimonies NL, Nieuws van de gesloten centra, Nouvelles des centres, Récits de luttes, Strijdverhalen | Laisser un commentaire

Fleeing a forced marriage and resisting expulsion at all costs.

Mrs. Hafsa El Mangad has fled a forced marriage and asked for asylum upon her arrival at the airport of Zaventem. She was locked up in the closed center of Holsbeek for the processing of her asylum application. According to the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Nieuws van de gesloten centra, Ongoing deportations, Strijdverhalen, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire

“If you died here, no one would ever know” 

    Jasmin Gushani   20/11/2020    His arrest On 30 September 2020, we received a phone call from Jasmin Gushani, detained since 21 August 2020 for several months in the 127bis after being arrested one day when he was not … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Nieuws van de gesloten centra, Strijdverhalen | Laisser un commentaire

What to do in the event of being arrested in Belgium 11/08/2020

Many migrants wishing to settle in Great Britain have arrived safely in recent weeks (several hundred per week). Many of the camps in the Pas de Calais area have been dismantled, which has pushed migrants to cross the Channel with … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans migrant in transit, Migrants in transit, Strijdverhalen | Laisser un commentaire

Escape attempt in Merksplas and news from Bruges

23 April 2020 MERKSPLAS Since the publication by RTBF on 9 April 2020 of the article « Nourriture avariée, cachot pour les malades, distanciation pas respectée : le quotidien dans un centre fermé au temps du coronavirus » (Rotten food, … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Getuigenissen, Nieuws van de gesloten centra, Strijdverhalen | Laisser un commentaire

Forgotten of the Covid-19: A group of undocumented people demand immediate regularization

Video action and repression Photos of the action This Monday, April 20 at 11 a.m., a group of undocumented people, the forgotten ones of this period of COVID-19 crisis, carried out a sharp- action fought in front of the Tower … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Strijdverhalen | Laisser un commentaire


  October 25 2019 ALL THAT’S MISSING IS THE CUSHION ! NO MORE STATE MURDERS! Different sources told us about brutal and inhuman treatment inflicted on at least two women by airport police during attempted deportations. We visited the Holsbeek … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans News from the centres, Ongoing deportations, Strijdverhalen | Laisser un commentaire

Escape from closed centre in Brugge on 18/11/2016

Six prisoners tried to escape from the detention centre of Bruges on Friday 18/11/2016 at 7 p.m. Four of them succeeded and are now free! Two were held back by the guards. They cut the fence of a window, climbed … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans News from the centres, Strijdverhalen | Laisser un commentaire

London against the detention center

Vidéo: London2Calais 12 maart om 16:33 Protesters bang on walls of Yarl’s Wood detention center demanding the immigration prison be shut down as detainees wave from windows and address the gathering via phone. ‪#‎ShutDownYarlsWood‬ ‪#‎refugeeswelcome‬

Publié dans Strijdverhalen, Struggle stories | Laisser un commentaire