Category: Uitzetting aan de gang

Signalering van de uitzettingen die aan de gang zijn in de luchthavens van België


This Sunday on the 13th of October, a young palestinian man was subjected to an attempted deportation at Zaventem airport. It was the second attempt to deport him to Albania. On the first attempt, Albania refused the deportation and he … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Nieuws van de gesloten centra, Strijdverhalen, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Testimony of a violent expulsion by military flight (cargo)

Testimony of a violent expulsion by military flight (cargo) [TW police violence]     Over the last few months, we have been in regular contact with a person of Djiboutian nationality who was detained at the Caricole detention centre for almost four … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Expulsions en cours, Getuigenissen, Récits de luttes, Strijdverhalen, Témoignages, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

The violence of Belgian migration policy and forced returns February 2024

      According to reports from the Immigration Office, there were 2,918 forced returns in 2022. By November 2023, the number of forced returns had already risen to 3,097. For the moment we witness many attempted forced deportations that take place … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migratiepolitiek, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Dublin Regulation: Belgium expels Angel, now in a closed centre in Sweden, facing persecution in Kenya because of her sexual orientation.

22/08/2023If you know anyone, collective or non-profit that can help Angel get out of detention center in Sweden and get the international protection, please contact us immediately. Context :    Angel was forced to leave Kenya following a lesbophobic attack that led … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Audio testimonies, Migration policy, Ongoing deportations, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Call for Support for Richard

24/07/2023 : A short while ago, we reported on the alarming situation of Richard Ngaballa. Forced to flee Cameroon because of his homosexuality, he was refused for asylum by the Belgian government, which argued a lack of evidence of his … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Migratiepolitiek, Nieuws van de gesloten centra, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Caricole – A Palestinian testifies on video from the detention center

UPDATE : Meneer met gefoceerd uitgezet op 19/07/2023 naar Istamboul. Siraj Al-Nanal is from Gaza, Palestine. He recently fled the war and violence he suffered in Palestine, and applied for asylum in Belgium. During his interview with the General Commissariat for … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Audio testimonies NL, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

PRESS RELEASE: A gay man faces deportation to Cameroon , where he is threatened with imprisonment and death

17 July 2023 A gay man faces deportation to Cameroon , where he is threatened with imprisonment and death Several years ago, Richard left Cameroon to escape violence because of his homosexuality. He has been denied international protection in Belgium, … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Strijdverhalen, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

News from the closed centres 10 April 2023

1. Mental health and medication   The violence of the prison system and detention itself have catastrophic impacts on the mental health of prisoners. Recently, several people have expressed their concern about fellow prisoners who are clearly in great pain: … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Getuigenissen, News from the centres, Nieuws van de gesloten centra, Struggle stories, Testimonies, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Repression in the closed centre

Op 7/11 ontvingen we een getuigenis van een gevangene in Merksplas. Federale politieagenten gingen het centrum binnen om een gedetineerde uit te zetten. Een getuigenis die veel zegt over de technieken en repressie die gebruikt worden om de gevangenen te … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans News from the centres, Testimonies, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Arrestaties en deportaties aan de lopende band – 02/08/2022

  The closed centres continue to fill up.    They are arrested in the street, on public transport, in airports, at home, at the Foreigners Office, in open centres. Sometimes they are also transferred directly from a prison.     … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Expulsions en cours, Nieuws van de gesloten centra, Nouvelles des centres, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Let’s prevent a forced deportation this Wednesday 12 January 2022

    Let’s prevent a forced deportation this Wednesday 12 January 2022   Mr. S. will be expelled this 12/01/2022 to his “country of origin”, Macedonia He has applied for asylum which has been refused by the CGRA. He confirms … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Help ! 3rd attempt of expulsion this 24/12/2021 towards IRAN : update

Update 26/12/2021: he was taken to the airport and then his escort was ordered not to put him on the plane…. he was taken back to a cachot but does not know in which centre. He tells us 100 times … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Nieuws van de gesloten centra, Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Action against a deportationattempt to Afghanistan on 26/11/1018

Update 27/11/2018: M was deported. We don’t have news from him. Two of the persons present at the airport were arrested by the police as soon as they arrived and kept at the police station for an hour, while the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Deportation of an Afghan boy on 10/12/2013: Deported

Monsieur N , Afghan, va être mis sur un vol KLM vers Amsterdam ce 10/12/2013 Il y a 8 ans qu’il vit en Belgique. Demande d’asile, demande de régularisation n’ont pas été accepté. Il est enfermé au centre fermé 127 … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Uitzetting aan de gang | Laisser un commentaire

Deuxième tentative d’expulsion ce 27 mars : Vol annulé , puis Mr B libéré! – FR

3 Avril: Après le vol annulé Monsieur B a entamé une grève de la faim ce 1 avril pour réclamé sa libération : Il a été libéré ce 3 Avril Monsieur B , enfermé au centre fermé de Vottem depuis … Continuer la lecture

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