CAUTION:New collective expulsion to the DRC this Thursday, 04/06/2015 and17/06/2015

Notice to our Congolese friends: Be careful, the Office des Etrangers(Foreigners office) will do everything as a good student of Europe as it is to nab the most possible Congolese people in order to fill this flight of 06/04/2015 and especially for the Frontex flight 06/17/2015 !!!!!!!!!!!!

A new collective deportation has been announced to certain detained Congolese for the 04/06/2015. The military plane would take off at 10 am from the Melsbroek military airport with twenty people to be deported. They will be brought gradually these days to 127bis closed centre to be put on buses andin the military plane on 04/06.
Most of these people planed to be deported have not been presented to the DRC embassy, ​​that currently refuses to issue the laissez-passers needed for a deportation according to “the rules” and which are frequently missing. Our authorities seem to use “safe-conducts” that they get through the immigration service in Kinshasa.
Since the collective 2 flights of 28/04 and 05/06/2015 that did not leave,many were deported by commercial flight in recent weeks, others werefreed thanks to actions of support committees or appeals. It remains 20 people they could not deport with the previous planes and they plan to return them by means of “secured flight” as they call it.

Among them political opponents still in juridical procedures, a sick man for whom the doctor had refused Airport deportation for health reasons ( last minute: he is free!), a woman who has been in Belgium for 10 years etc ..…

The Office des Etrangers continues to harp on the Congolese to seek allmeans and subterfuges to deport at any price those people theymanaged to trap in public transport during raids or during appointments at the Immigration Office.

Another flight, this time called Frontex might be expected this 17.6.2015,

Hereafter,the testimony of a man who puts expelled the “safe conduct”in question.

Audio Here: saufconduit

Notice to our Congolese friends: Be careful, the Office des Etrangers(Foreigners office) will do everything as a good student of Europe as it is to nab the most possible Congolese people in order to fill this flight of 06/04/2015 and especially for the Frontex flight 06/17/2015 !!!!!!!!!!!!


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