Closed centre Vottem : Saturday 21/06/2014, solidarity with the hungerstrikers: rue de Visé ,Vottem near Liège

For the last 8 days, a hunger strike, and sometimes a thirst strike, has started at the closed centre in Vottem.
Among them are people who fear for their lives in case of forced depor-tation. One example among many others: in Pakistan, several political movements became the targets of Talibans.
We do not accept the very restrictive policy of the Belgian State in mat-ter of immigration and asylum. 75% of asylum requests are rejected, which means that they deport people to countries where there is war and insecurity, dictatorships or authoritary regimes. At the end of last year, Aref, a young Afghan, got shot dead by Talibans upon his return to Afghanistan.

Among the hunger strikers, some insist on other aspects: they have built their lives in Belgium for years, they have friends and family here, they are dismissed of a procedure although they have been working, follow-ing trainings here etc and they do not have any family members left in their country of origin. Only 6% of the regularisation requests were accepted in 2013.

They all undertook this strike because their lives would be destroyed if they were deported.
Two Pakistani who had started the hunger strike 8 days ago were re-leased and brought to the hospital on Thursday to get cured. Five or six other persons are continuing or got engaged in the strike.

In order to support them in their claims for an asylum and immigration policy that respects human rights, notably the right to seek asylum, to move freely and settle down, to live in security, in family, etc. we invite you to join us for our weekly gathering on Saturday 21st June from 4 p.m. till 5 p.m. around the closed centre of Vottem. Since it is the day of Music, any musical contribution is certainly most welcome!

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