Collective deportation “Dublin” from Great Britain to Belgium this 22/1O/2020

UPDATE 21/10/2020 21H30: départ 22/1O Stansted airport 8.45 am, arrived Brussels airport 9.45 am:

Great Britain sent back migrants by charter to their country “Dublin” in Europe.It is still in the process of doing so.Several charters have already been organized to France, Germany, Italy, Spain… in the last 2 months.

We were adviced that a charter  should deposit people in Belgium this October 22, 2020, then would continue its road towards Germany and Romania to deposit others.

The future deportees sorted by the administrations are currently in a closed center in GB (Brookhouse). They have been qualified as ‘Dublin’ following fingerprinting or an asylum application. They have no access to the outside and are therefore deprived of the right to legally oppose their expulsion. Associations try to obtain informations inside the center and to warn lawyers to cancel these removals, very often with success.

This Home Office strategy seems to us to be part of a political game between the UK and Europe. The migrants are taken hostage before 01/01/2021, the beginning of the Brexit when, without agreement, the Dublins returns would no longer be relevant in the UK!

The day before, we hope to be informed in which airport the stopover in Belgium will take place and will propose a ‘welcoming committee’. We hope that our authorities will release them directly (with a TQO of course) as in the other European countries and call to go to collect them on their arrival…

Unfortunately, they can be sent to a closed center, starting with isolation because of Covid. Without immediate contact, the time limit for an extreme emergency recourse may therefore be exceeded.If you know migrants who intend to go to UK, who have arrived in the UK, recently or not, whatever their way to travel, try to keep in touch with them.  Ask them to memorize your phone number (+32 …), that they warn you if there is a risk of expulsion to their country Dublin, and especially if it is Belgium. Usually, they throw away their phone on arrival, otherwise it could be confiscated, examined and the contacts deleted. 

In case of trouble, warn

Thank you NO BORDER

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