Collective deportation to the Congo by Frontex (European Border and Coast Guard Agency) and the Belgian State on 13 november 2024

In recent days we have learned that a number of people from the Democratic Republic of Congo held in detention centres have been informed that they will be put on a flight this Wednesday 13 November to be deported to their country of origin. They were told that there would be no passengers and no means of resistance.

On Wednesday 13 November, they will be put on a special charter flight to carry out the deportation of a number of DRC nationals living in Belgium and other Schengen countries.

We may learn at the last minute that the plane will also stop over in other countries neighbouring the DRC, to deport other people as in previous years (Ghana, Guinea, Senegal).

The plane is due to take off from Melsbroek military airport (Chaussée de Haecht 138 in Melsbroek) on Wednesday 13 November at 12.25pm, according to the information gathered.

To our knowledge, the previous collective deportation from Belgium to the DRC took place on 11 September 2023 (

We strongly denounce this deportation, that is taking place in silence.

Getting the Voice Out

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