UPDATE 01/11/2021: He was taken to the airport. Activists were present to talk to the passengers. In the offices of the federal police several agents in civilian clothes were waiting; Then without explanations Mr. was brought back to the centre 127bis around 01.PM
Deportation with police escort Brussels Airlines flight SN 299 to Cotonou scheduled for 1 November 2021 at 11.05 am.
of our contacts, locked in 127bis, was told that a flight was scheduled
for 1 November 2021 at 11:05 to forcibly deport him to Benin. He has
never lived in this country but had transited through it to flee the
persecution he was the target of at home. His aim was not to stay in
Belgium but to join his brother. Unfortunately, he was arrested at
Brussels Airport and has been locked up in the closed centre for 4
months. Like many others
Without knowing anything about the Belgian system, he started his first asylum application from the detention centre, under extremely stressful conditions. The General Commissariat for Stateless Persons and Refugees did not consider him credible enough. On his second application, he could not even be interviewed!
Yet he tells us that he is in danger of death if he is forced to return to the country he fled!
He had been subjected to a first expulsion attempt which he had refused.
He will be accompanied by a federal police escort who will put him on the plane by force, handcuffed, and will keep him in his seat until he arrives in Cotonou.
We cannot accept these deportations!
Meet at the airport at 9am on 01/11/2021 to explain to the passengers the situation and their rights and duties: https://www.gettingthevoiceout.org/how-to-stop-a-deportation/
Flight SN Airlines 299 11hO5 with stopover in Abidjan then Cotonou
Let’s prevent this deportation by writing, faxing and phoning those responsible for these criminal acts.
ALexander De Croo Eerste minister: +32 2 501 02 11. Email: contact@premier.be
Sammy Mahdi Beleidscel en Secretariaat van de Staatssecretaris voor Asiel en Migratie, 02/488.06.06. Email: info.mahdi@mahdi.fed.be
Annelies Verlinden Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken: 02/488.05.11. Email: kabinet.verlinden@ibz.fgov.be
Monsieur Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers Bur_Presse@dofi.fgov.be
T02 793 80 31 – 02 79380 30 (FR) Fax02 274 66 40
Brussels Airlines+32 2 723 23 45
SN Brussels Airlines :customer.relations@brusselsairlines.com
Fax : 027233599 / 02/7238496 / 027534931Tél : 078 188889 / 027232345 /027232362
Demandez à ce que que votre message soit transmis au commandant de bord.