Derde uitzettingspoging naar Ruanda op 29/09/2018 : Annulatie vande uitzetting (engl)eportation!

Update 28/09/2018: The court annulate the deportation and she is free!


H., Rwandan, will be deported for the third time this Saturday 29/09. She is waiting for decisions by three different courts but the Foreigners Office absolutely want to deport her.

The Rwandan government accuse H., 36, of complicity in the conflict between Rwanda and Burundi. She has been retained in the Caricole closed centre for more than two months and they already tried to deport her twice but she resisted. The third attempt to deport her will happen tomorrow, Saturday 29 September, on the flight Egypt Air MS 726 to Nairobi at 15h55 (with a stop in Cairo).

H. is expecting the end of the process at the Council of State where she complains about problems of procedure. She is also waiting for the answer that will be given to her second asylum request currently reviewed by the Aliens Litigation Council. On the other hand we heard that her two lawyers introduced a request to release her at the Council Chamber of Brussels for family reasons since H has a child with her boyfriend who is a legal Belgian resident as acknowledged refugee.


The third deportation is planned for this Saturday whereas H is waiting for the decisions of three different courts, which is a perfect example of the Foreigners Office contempt for people seeking protection in Belgium. Their only priority is deportation.


We demand that the effectiveness of the appeals introduced by the lawyers is respected.

Freedom for all retainees!

To help Hadija

1) let’s gather at Zaventem airport this Saturday 29/09/2018 at 13H45 to explain the situation to the passengers of flight Egypt Air MS 726 of 15h55.

The passengers have the right to refuse this deportation and address the aircraft captain.

2) Contact Egyptair Airlines Brussels National Airport PO Box 115 1930 Zaventem

+32 (0) 2 219 16 14
+32 2 753 2270
+32 2 725 42 68

Fax: +32 2 219 36 81



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