Detention centres

These texts about the detention centres are collectively written. It is a compilation of information, observations and testimonies. We wanted to convey as clearly as possible what these centres are, how they work and how deportations take place.

We want to highlight that what all the people writing these texts have in common is that they want the permanent closure of all detention centres and an immediate end to deportations.

We cannot accept that men and women are still being detained with the sole purpose of sending them back forcefully to their home country.

We are neither asking for an improvement in living conditions within the centres, nor for controls from external organisations that aim to make detention conditions more “humane”. We think that this war Europe has been conducting against migrants for several decades is simply a reflection of a system that excludes “the other” in the name of preserving a capitalist economy.

What are detention centres ?

Who manages the detention centres ?

Who can be found in detention centres ?

Evasion and release : well kept secret

Criminalisation, Stigmatisation ?

Pressure and impact on the physical and psychological health of the detainees

How UK detention policy worsens migrants mental health

The living conditions in detention centres

Duration of detention


Sanctions and resort to Isolation