Detention extended for two months

A man has been detained in the closed centre of Vottem for 4 months. He insists to have an interview. They were supposed to release him on March 14th, after 4 months of detention. He was told that his detention would be extended for two months because he had refused a forced deportation on March 13th; which is not true: he was not taken to the airport that day and there was no question of deportation either!

Gtiugenis hier:


You have been in the closed centre for 4 months now, can you explain how it is like?

I have been in the closed centre since October 3rd 2012. I was brought to the airport once and then I came back.

My lawyer asked for my release in front of the court of first instance in Liège. The judge had ordered my release. The Foreigners Office appealed against that decision. Then my lawyer appealed to the Supreme court and he obtained the suspension of the deportation to my country.

They were supposed to release me on March 14th. Yesterday, March 14th, the management of Vottem called me to tell me that I had refused a flight on the 13th, but this flight does not exist.

They are trying to keep me here for another two months, until May 12th, this is not normal. Hence I want to witness so that people outside know what they do to everybody here and that human rights are not applied at all in the centre.

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