Disaster at the closed centre in Bruges, 5 December 2013

Update 06/12 10 p;m

A Bruges, la police est intervenue ce 06/12. Elle est restée dehors et a appelé plusieurs personnes un par un à l’extérieur. Trois personnes ont été Certains ont été mis en isolement, trois autres transférés vers d’autres centres. Certains sont tous découragés et ont arrêter leur grève de la faim

Update 06/12/2013


127: 100 people

Vottem: 40 people

Brugge: General hongerstrike

Update 06/12 8.30 a.m Here at the centre in Bruges, the strike is extending (no food, no sleep, no tv, no shower) this is a general strike.
Update 05/12 11 p.m. Centre in Bruges, 10 p.m, no resident went to the dormitory to sleep, they will all stay awake, the hunger strike goes on.
Update 3 p.m 
40 detainees started a hunger strike in Bruges, and 20 others in Vottem, out of solidarity with the detainees of Bruges, with the Afghans’ fight, and with the hunger strike of the 4 Belgians.
Text message received from the 127bis centre:

‘here it is forced deportations, like wild animals, and negative outcomes of the procedure like a waterfall…

Update 04/12: Thirty Congolese (men and women) were placed on a military flight, each one escorted by three police officers. More info to come.
Update 04/12 9:45 a.m. 
15 women and 38 men from Congo in the closed centre. The police just arrived with two buses and vans. The flight is foreseen at noon or 1 p.m. from Melsbroek airport.

A man from the Ivory Coast, around 30 years old, was found dead in his bed this morning at the closed centre in Bruges.

Prisoners are stricken. The information was confirmed to the women by the staff of the centre.

‘The police comes to make a statement.’

‘We knew it was going to happen one day, it’s awful’

‘One has to denounce all this!’

‘It is hell over here!’

‘All this torture must stop!’

Message of a co-detainee:

‘Yesterday the guard came for him because his girlfriend had come for a visit around 9 p.m. After that he went to bed as usual. The day after he was dead.’

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