Escapes…..and new escape……

21/06/2018 Further escape attempts (to be confirmed); Four other detainees attempted to escape to the Vottem detention centre at 10 a.m. on 21 June. Three have been caught, one of them is still running.


H had been retained at the 127bis closed centre for more than 2 months. He was supposed to be deported this 20 June 2018. He had sung  “Aicha” on the microphone from his cell at the Steenrock and he had impressed the audience. 


On 19 June, he escaped when he was in the backyard, climbing the fences. He vanished into thin air. The guards and management “are not happy” according to a retainee,they are having a meeting to ‘change the regulations’, he added.

Another escape attempt happened at the Vottem closed centre on Saturday 16 June, also from the backyard. Unfortunately, the guards could catch him and they beat him and he has been placed in a confinement cell, according to the information we got. 


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