Expulsion of a hunger striker 10/12/2013:deported and liberate in Venice (italy)!

Update: Meneer B phone us: He was deported this morning and they let hem free in Venice (Italy) without paper and money!

  Mr B is Algerian. He risks his life if he goes back to his native country. He has been living in Belgium since 2009 and is supported by the FGTB Liège as a worker. He was arrested at the Foreigners Office while introducing his aslyum request. A part of his family migrated to Spain to flee the persecutions on their ethny in Algeria. 

  Mr B has been on hunger strike at the 127bis closed centre for 5 days and he is weakened. He will go through a second deportation attempt this Tuesday 10/12/2013 and the Office of Shame will do its best to get rid of him via Venice and then Alger.

 Let’s try to prevent this deportation by going to the airport, faxing the people in charge or inventing other original actions! 

10:05 a.m.  10 December

 Flight SN3201 to Venice VCE Brussels Airlines

  Let’s meet at the airport at 08:05 a.m to speak to the passengers of the flight to Venice.

 And spam the mail and fax boxes of the people in charge of this deportation as from now!

Fax = 027233599 / 02/7238496 / 027534931
Tél : 078 188889 / 027232345 / 027232362

-Monsieur M. F. Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers : Bur_Presse@dofi.fgov.be

T 02 793 80 31 (NL – EN) – 02 793 80 30 (FR), Fax 02 274 66 40 ,

Monsieur Elio Di Rupo, Premier ministre : info@premier.fed.be

 // Fax 022173328, 025126953

-Madame Joëlle Milquet, Vice-Première ministre et Ministre de l’Intérieur : milquet@lecdh.be


/ Fax: 022380129, 025048500, 025048580

 –Madame Maggie De Block, Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile, à l’Immigration et à l’intégration sociale, adjointe à la Ministre de la Justice : info.maggiedeblock@ibz.fgov.be

Tél 02 542 80 11 // Fax : 02 542 80 03

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