25/06/2018 : « On Thursday, in the yellow wing, 4 Albanians broke the tiles to escape. It made a lot of noise and we all rushed to see, we were quite excited, a dozen of Arabs.
One Albanian managed to escape; the other three have been placed in confinement cells. One of them was hurt and was placed in the secured wing. Another one was deported the day after.
« It was heavy: we all wanted to leave.
Then the day after (if I understood well), twelve were placed in confinement cells ‘for having taken part to the escape…’.
Today, our interlocutor ignores how many still are in confinement, since he has no contact with them.
He was told that he would go to the secured wing as soon as there was a place available. He was also told that it was a very good thing that he didn’t have any lawyer, so they could do whatever they wanted with him.
He is calling for help and is on his knees.
27/06/2018 : The friend of a retainee warns us: her friend has been in confinement for 22 days. “This is not normal, he only has the right to one hour backyard in a cage. Where are the human rights in all this?”
28/06/2018 : This morning, one man who ‘was residing’ in Vottem managed to escape during his transfer to court. He is still running…