8th September 2016

Horror scene of deportations

Wednesday 7th September – flight AF386 Paris-Bamako
It is 1.30 p.m. when the police of the administration retention centre of Vincennes come to pick up Sekouba MAREGA to drive him to the airport and put him against his will on a plane to Bamako. Sekouba, a young father, remembers the moments of happiness spent with his girlfriend Aminata and his son Abdoulaye, 3 months old, whom he will never see again. In the deportation premises of PAF at Roissy airport, the police threaten him with prison if he opposes his deportation.

3.30 p.m. the dirty work starts. The police deprive him of his mobile phone and bring out their dehumanisation artillery: handcuffs, straps around the ankles and knees. The plane has to take off at 4.30 p.m. They take him in their vehicle and drive him to the foot of the plane. The passengers are at the boarding gate and still don’t know the horror they will be the witnesses of. Sekouba doesn’t show any resistance in the car because he knows they could drug him to reach their goal. 4 p.m. – the police take him out of the car to get him on the plane before the arrival of the passengers. They are a dozen against one man whose only blame was not to have the right documents in his possession. On the steps that bring him to the door of the plane, Sekouba resists and the police throw him on the ground. One puts one foot on Sekouba’s chest, pushing hardly, whereas another one puts him a boxing helmet. He is totally hampered and can not move. Nevertheless, one police officer violently kicks him on the chest before going to the plane. They have him sit down at the back. As soon as the passengers start to enter the plane, one police officer squeezes his genital parts so as to dissuade him of any resistance, but Sekouba only thinks of his son whom he doesn’t want to be separated from. He starts shouting until passengers notice his presence. Some of them get close to him and question him despite the threats by the policemen and the fact that they are being filmed. Sekouba explains his situation in Bambara and in French. Almost all the passengers then stand up and oppose this deportation. Alerted by the passengers’ cries, the captain realises the chaos and asks the police to disembark Sebouba. Thanks to the passengers’ mobilisation, this young father could go back to the ARC of Vincennes but in a worrying psychological and physical state. What happened on board of this flight may only be conscience-shocking and have one question about the real reasons of such an obstinacy by
Mr Hollande’s government, violating several human rights principles. The legal end of the retention period for Sekouba Marega is foreseen this Saturday (45th day of retention) and it would be a minimum of common sense to definitely put an end to it with his release.

To react on these facts and call for Sekouba’s release: Secrétaire général Elysée Secrétaire général Adjoint Elysée Dircab Elysée Matignon Chef de cab Matignon

Intérieur : 01 40 07 60 60 ask for the immigration adviser Dircab Intérieur Dircab adjointe Intérieur Conseillère immigration Intérieur

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