12/09/23 Collective deportation by Frontex (European border and coast guard agency) and the Belgian state:
This morning we are receiving many calls from detainees from the 127bis detention centre in Steenokkerzeel confirming what was announced yesterday: a collective flight coordinated by Frontex and the Belgian government to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The Belgian state has set the deportation machine in motion.
Many Congolese are currently being handcuffed, mistreated and put on buses bound for the Melsbroek military airport. There is a large police presence.
Four detainees tell us:
“Last night, several of them were ‘summoned’ one by one by the coach . Once in the office, eight security officers grabbed them and forcibly took them in isolation “(…) it was a trap.””I was playing basketball yesterday and men from the security grabbed me just like that, without saying anything.”
At 10 this morning: “There are 40 policemen in fluorescent jackets.”2 big buses and 2 vans and dozens of police cars.”They are all handcuffed 2 by 2 in the courtyard, surrounded by three policemen forcibly pushing them towards the buses.”
“Women handcuffed too. Are we doing this to women?”
“We need to let the world know how they treat black people.”
“There are many others taken from other countries.”
“There must be as many as 50 who have been deported.”
“It’s frightening. We are treated like slaves from the last century. It’s not human anymore. ”
“One man who rebelled was forcibly restrained. He was injured; he was handcuffed, strapped into a straitjacket and thrown into the baggage car where he was in danger of suffocation.”
Let us denounce this deportation by tagging writing, faxing and calling those responsible for these criminal acts.
Nicole de Moor, Cabinet et secrétariat de la Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Asile et à la Migration @nicoledemoor – – Email : info.demoor@demoor.fed.be
Alexander De Croo premier ministre : @alexanderdecroo – Email: contact@premier.be, +32 2 501 02 11.
Annelies Verlinden Ministre des affaires intérieures : @anneliesverlinden – Email: kabinet.verlinden@ibz.fgov.be , 02/488.05.11.
Monsieur Roosemont, Directeur de l’Office des Etrangers: Bur_Presse@dofi.fgov.be T02 793 80 31 – 02 79380 30 (FR), Fax02 274 66 40
Office des Etrangers : infodesk : infodesk@ibz.fgov.be / 02 793 80 00
CGRA : cgra.info@ibz.fgov.be 32 2 205 51 11 +32 2 205 50 01 (fax)
Alexander De Croo premier ministre : +32 2 501 02 11. Email: contact@premier.be
FRONTEX : frontex@frontex.europa.eu
11/09/2023 We have learnt that several people, including at least one woman, were put in solitary confinement on 11/09 in the closed centre 127 bis for collective deportation to the DRC on 12/09/2023. Departure likely at 10 am from Melsbroek airport. Two other people, also from the DRC, are on their way to Zaventem from Vilnius (Lithuania) to join them.
Collective flights